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A member registered Jul 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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really cool game! The graphics and puzzles are amazing! 

Good job!

(1 edit)

Apparently there was a bug in this build hindering you from reaching the branches on stage 5. a new update will be up soon that adressed this issue.

(1 edit)

Apparently there was a bug in this build hindering you from reaching the branches on stage 5. a new update will be up soon that adressed this issue.

all games submitted are in the YT link! Was super fun! 

5! Thanks!

yea, you are correct! I am working on an ingame menu atm. That will fix all the issues!

thank you for the input! Did not think of this, i Will put it on the shortlist! Sad you could not play it this time , but thank you for commenting!


After over a year of practicing game development it was time to actually finish something! The game is out and its playable! Might be some bugs! 

Reason why i say beta is because i have more ideas, but i wanted to pull the trigger and finish it! Hope anyone out there enjoys it! its partly community made since i take ideas and art from players and add to the game to make the experience even sweeter!

First game i have finished! So Happy! it is not the best game but it is my game ;)


I am making a idle roguelike game!

here is the game!

I am collaborating with anyone in my community and everyone is free to make art and stuff for the game.  So i thought , maybe there is an aspiring musiscian out there who want to get there work out. Anyway, if thats you then please comment :D

i need 1 menu loop. dont need to be too long. and one background loop for the gameplay, its only one repeating scene so i guess it should prob be over 4 mins and varied.

Feel - Fantasy / Action

Feel free to ask more questions.

i am making an idle roguelite where you choose abilities or items or perks and let your toon do the smacking. It’s early development and everything is open to change ofc.

mostly intrested in gameplay / mechanics feedback , maybe pacing difficulty , it looks really bad and that’s something that will change later down the line! 

Any feedback is good!

@gobygal ! Thank you for the reply! You actually completed the demo GJ!  That’s why it stopped! Updating every other day.

the reason the cards just appear is that I haven’t decided on what kind of punishment I want to give you if you don’t pick. 

But it will get out with the new patch!

submit your bugs here!

Any ideas of items or Monsters you would like to see in the game!  Join the discord to submit your own art!

Welcome! Feedback here!

thank you for commenting! 

Atm the game isnt paused when you choose a card and they do stack over eachother! Its not Working as intended really its just working atm haha. Its on the shortlist! 

Ye come over i have lots of projects and this is as you say very enjoyable,  first game where I am not trying but just doing! 

i would love and all feedbacks! Your favorite items /abilites. What you want more / less off. And feel free to screenshot your looks! 

Join the disc and i can get feedback faster! 

p.s - i am open for Art if someone wants to create an item!

Well i am not developing for a phone plattform. 

well , i guess it is. But i have to choose one or the Other i am afraid 

its not supported for mobile i am sorry

dont you have a computer? 

it does not show the whole screen but it works 

i actually took this code and made into a scifi space battle instead! 

thank you for the comment, i am Thinking of ways to expand on this.


[no payment]

Looking for talented 2D artist and Animator, being proffiecient with Voxel art and animation is a bonus. Art will not be 8-bit.

Eggxotic Society is a Catch em all kind of explorative rpg where the main mechanic is to search the world for eggs and interbred monsters using selective breeding and dna-mutations to get different breeds with different strengths and weaknesses to solve puzzles and challanges in an open world. The game is not combat Oriented but combat will instead work more as an idle game.

The game is still in early progress and because of the vast majority of monsters and interbred versions there will be a lot of art needed. Animations is less of an issue considering we are thinking of doing animation like Patch Quest.

If you are intrested feel free to apply with portfoli. Atm we are 3 programmers but are considering expanding,  so if you also are a programmer or know one that might also be intresting.

cute little game. the keys just made the levels really repeat themself and didnt do much.

Did not get it to work as browser game, just a 3h gamejam i did with myself to improve on some aspects. If anyone likes this and want more i might add multiplayer and some more levels. Have fun ;)

hi! I am hotpaw! I am very fresh when it comes to developing games and is currently working on a project to increase my coding knowledge . 

I work with unity and I am making a simple action rpg game that wont have to great of a scope. Its learning as im going along and using it for prototyping and what else,  but I will finish it.

What do I seek?

A 2d artist that also knows how to animate and that are willing to work for free and collaborate with me. Its casual in the sense that you dont have to make art everyday 24/7 and you also have a big say on the astetics of the game. I believe in your designs to create the look for the game.


Time scope: couple of months, atleast be along for a few weeks.

Revenue: if the game gets up for sale ofc you will get a share of the profit for the work. 

Style: either pixel art , 16bit style or if possible something more highres. Any portfolio or ideas are welcome and discussed.

If intrested simply mail me at for more info.