when i using Life String its trigger text after battle *You unlock Beesa. Go check her on research lab.* every fight i use it. and picture of staying Froggy in Crazy Forest are cursed cause she nude at start battle. o and its really smth wrong with them cause sb can triggered on third title some no matter back or in front and some dont trigger if you stay. women) *suuurp*. and when i capture beesa and photan after boss battle photan is disappear in the lab/ how? i dont know but second capture dont capture this hentaimon. now try forth reinstall (you broken me i want all of this girls... and its all of the bugs that i see in this demo. yes cursed location near garuda (if i not wrong with name) where love sphere drop 0G and future skill that do.. nothing. not boost your attack that be write. or im wrong. anyway its be fun. and i know you already start to build new version so) good luck. i write all bugs that have)/
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I got intresting bug: when bond two Hentaimon Kumini and Floggy at the same time and then go to sleep I see first cutscene with Kumini like when you get 1 affection with your Hentaimon (and i think its normal to be). then i stay at the same position and got the second cutscene with new hentaimon Floggy. the problem is that the cutscene is programing like you walk to bed one step down and many to bed and sleep. but i be not near the stairs. i be near to bed. so i walk to the wall and cant do nothing. reenter the game crash my walk so now i reinstall the game/
My advice: Dont bond three of first hentaimon together. Bond first then sleep, bond second - sleep.
*I really love this demov0.1 but jesus its my third reinstall. duuuude*
esc -> down to equip + enter -> player (your name) + enter -> equip + enter -> down to hentaimon + enter. (recommanded to choice green one cause to open this one you must have 20 earth sphere that dont drop from anyone on this game (or i am stupid bastard or its bug of the game that be fix in the future))