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Paul Michael Winters

A member registered Oct 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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An hour sounds right if your on your first play through and taking your time.

Cool playlist. Can’t wait to check it out!

Thanks.  Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks, will do!  I'm always looking for new playtesters. 

Thanks!  Glad it added a little spooky to your day. 

Thanks, glad you liked it! 

 I've had problems with my there, they're and their since I was 10 years old!   (Also too, two and to, and its and it's)

Yes, I would have loved to spend some more time fleshing out the world a bit more.  I may do that, or I may do a similar riff on it for another project.  Thanks again for the comment!

(1 edit)

Wow, nice bug!  :)

I figured out why.  The next day you are in the bed, and my code only checks if you are in the lookout tower, not in the bed.  To workaround the bug, you just need to get out of bed. I'll update the code to handle that.  

Thanks for the report!

Thanks so much!

Thanks!  Glad you liked it.

Gunaxf sbe gur oht ercbeg.  Gurer'f n ybg zber V jnagrq gb qb, ohg bayl unq 4 ubhef!

Glad you liked the ending!

Thank you, glad you liked it!

Thanks. Glad you like it.

I liked yours as well. A very luscious writing style. 

yeah that was a tricky one. I made about 5 verbs work but it’s easy to miss one. Try “wear <item>”

For people unfamiliar with parser game, just type help in the game for some basic help with commands. 

Of course!  There wasn’t time to build a hint system in 4 hours but I’m glad to help here.   If you are basically at the very start, I’d recommend checking your inventory, and examining each item. If your further along and can’t describe without spoilers, or need more clues then just message me.