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I have to say this is my personal favourite, clear instructions, not too difficult yet still a challenge to many!
Really well done here man, yours is the last one I'm rating and in my mind I think you got this!
Really well done man, only thing i can say is that the "One room" wasn't 'followed' but when you think about it, your in the characters memory in a way so i think that's fine!
Clear winner in my books man
Very loud, the instructions to the game are off in the top right, how am i meant to read how to move and control myself if i have to move to get there?
Volume... My ears man, i know you said its "a bit loud" but holyyyy
What is this game ACTUALLY about? all the info we have is "right clicking presses button when they rotate 45 degrees btw. Pressing C mutes audio (it's hold)" and that its wasd to move and left click shoots an orb that blows up...
what is the puzzle here?
how to play?
Good job either way man.
Watch that volume though
Rome wasn't built in a day
In all honesty, didn't have a clue what i was doing so it was a "puzzle"... Still dont know what i'm doing. Sharpening the pencil is difficult, not sure whats going on.
No sounds, sounds help players understand whats happening such as a noise when a button is pressed or pencil is sharpened
No Info other than E to Interact and random words, yes its a puzzle but your meant to have some insight on what is going on
Alt + F4 is the only way out of this game.
Good job nevertheless, using unity is something I would never be able to do
I was driving for a while, just chilling, this game really made me think about how games dont have to be some AAA game to be calm and fun.
Overall great game, I would've added some lines at the start that appear just as your keyboard controls do to show where the lanes were seperated.
great game, good job man.