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thanks for the feedback, I roughly understood the mistake, the fact is that the main goal of the game is to make a car using the surrounding instructions, etc. However, there is no training or anything like that. Naturally, this is all due to the heavy technological process of the game, where the playable build was sent 2 minutes before the end of the jam.

Of course, when creating a new item, it would be necessary to show that "WOW" is a NEW ITEM, but the only thing I can say in this regard is that the only way to complete the game is to use guides and create at least a motorcycle. Thank you so much for trying to complete the game.

I understood all this, but it's just that the connection here is purely plot-based, if you remove the mention of the connection connection, then you might think that this is just an adventure game

I understood all this, but it's just that the connection here is purely plot-based, if you remove the mention of the connection connection, then you might think that this is just an adventure game

The game is moderately interesting and challenging, well designed

if it's not difficult for you, could you try my game

Sorry for the blunder, but could you watch my game

I'll try it tomorrow.

thanks for the fitback, at the beginning of the game there is an instruction on how to extract resources and so on, but apparently it is not informative enough. The robot automatically cuts down trees, the speed of swinging the tree shows how much of it is left to the tree before the resource falls out, after the resource falls out, you can use it to create certain objects.

I just stand there and nothing happens.


Cool and difficult

Cool and difficult

It's a VERY COOL GAME, it has prospects for the future, the only thing that needs to be done is when there is a cycle where guys don't kill each other, you need to do some kind of exhaustion or time

Very good, just fine.

The gameplay is interesting, but the game doesn't fit the theme well enough

It's beautiful, but it doesn't seem to fit with the theme of the jam, as well as the game is short



I can't run it.

How do I run it?

The game is normal, but the correspondence to the theme is only a plot one. Well done

Very good, interesting mechanics

It's very interesting and well done as a mechanic, but unfortunately the game supposedly has no purpose, you're good!

Very very very cool

Something doesn't seem to be working

It's not even clear

It's fine in principle, but the game is clearly for two

Cool game!


Look at your time zone, I personally live in Moscow and at 19:00