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A member registered Sep 23, 2021

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(1 edit)

I Did it a lot of time passed but 


i didnt know that she cant die by afrodisiac only

When do you think 0.7 Will be posible

I got another try and start counting i got her to 2763 arrousal


yes the problem is i reduce my max arausal to get 15 spirit

(1 edit)

How do i defeat dark perpetua im 20 lv up she woop the floor with me 14 time how do i win plz help

Hi do anyone know how to tame the manticore or if it is even posible if it is posible can you let me a step by step plz

Do you think it Will have Android versión 

can you anione tell a new update date

Mordor no sirve

Thanks i was asking because the las update was short time ago

(2 edits)

Do anyone know when the month update will be published