¡Hola! Felicidades por esta iniciativa. Me gustaría comprar los 4 juegos ¿Tienen planeado otro lote de casetes?
¡Gracias y saludos!
I bought the SIGNATURE EDITION of this game on the Amiga 38 event in October 2023 (CDs + USB), and since then I have been trying to play it on THEA500 Mini, but with no sucess. Since I have no real Amiga, I can only play it on WinUAE. And what an amazing game this is. Here, and also in the amigashop, it is written that this game is compatible with the A500 Mini. Can someone explain me how can I generate the .lha file that contains the game itself and that runs on the A500 Mini? I guess I need to combine the game CD with the file here https://www.whdload.de/games/Re-Ri.html, but I don't know how to do it, and the Internet does not help me at all. Thanks in advance for any help anybody can provide to me.
Muitos parabéns Paulo Andrés pelo jogo brilhante, e por provar que um videojogo pode por si só ser uma obra de arte. E não apenas o jogo, como também o seu 'veículo' físico que está pouco menos que exceptional. Tenho uma pergunta rápida que é se o conto escrito pelo Luiz Souza com um Kandinsky fictício está de alguma forma disponível para ser lido. Caso não esteja, penso que a sua disponibilização seria mais uma excelente forma de dar o contexto do jogo. Mais uma vez muitos parabéns.
I am enjoying a lot the game. Thanks for sharing the demo.
I discovered this game in the Facebook of the "Lisboa Games Week" where its available a video of the game https://fb.watch/efrwjkaMXM/. I suggest having this video available in the game website http://rootingtech.com.
Tenho mais alguns comentários relativamente ao website do jogo :
- Em ABOUT US têm tags HTML esquecidas: </p> <p>.
- Os Foruns no website paracem work-in-progress e por isso sugiro que seja inibido o acesso a esta área do site até que alguém o possa dinamizar.
- Na SHOP quando se carrega em XBOX, PS4 e PC/MAC nada acontece, o que é natural uma vez que o jogo ainda não saiu. Sugiro para já colocar ali um link para a DEMO e a data prevista de lançamento por consola.
- A NEWSLETTER em todo o website tem a mensagem de erro: [contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"] não deixando subscrevê-la.
Experimentei o acima com o Microsoft Edge e Google Chrome e o comportamento do website foi o mesmo.
As minhas sugestões acima são detalhes... mais uma vez muitos parabéns pelo jogo e boa sorte para o lançamento.
Very nice. I would love to be able to do anything similar.
If I may suggest something, I would just increase a bit the movement of the floor because the speed of the character legs does not seem adjusted to the movment of the floor. Meaning, the speed of the legs seem quicker than the aparent ilusion of movement of the character...
Besides that, perfect, with the detail the character opening her hands when she stops being delicious... ;-
I am collecting all issues of Revista Espectro, which I highly recommend, and I typed-in this very fun little game that has shown-up in issue 4. That is an excellent exercise to bring-in the nostalgia of the 80's and also to cement our knowledge and understanding of the Sinclair BASIC. If you are only interested in retro pixel gaming, do a favour to yourself and download and play this game in one of the emulators mentioned. And if you are into retro programming, first play the game, then type it yourself, trying to understand what is happening, and then play It again. I promise you that you will see the game with totally different eyes. After that you can even change the code and tweak it a bit. I did it myself and I cannot recommend it enough.
Congrats Filipe Veiga for this brilliant little game, and for allowing us to come back to this healthy exercise of typing-in 8-bit games!!!
This is a fun little game... but I had some difficulties to understand how it should be played.
Since maybe others have the same difficulties, I leave below my findings:
- Left/Right/Up/Down moves our "cursor".
- When our "cursor" is inside the box with an arrow, and we press Fire, a new tile comes out. It can be a title belonging to the puzzle or something else like a package, a rocket, a diamond, etc.. The later can be used to position the puzzle tiles in an adequate place, but ultimately they must the sent way through one of the doors that frequently open in the walls.
- To move a tile, one should position the "cursor" on top of the tile, and then while pressing Fire it should press one of the directional keys to move it on that direction.
- There are some red marks that show up frequently on the walls that when touched by a moved title will send them back to where they came.
- One of the objects that can come instead of a tile is a bomb. The bomb after some seconds will explode a steal us a live. Before that we should through the bomb through one of the doors that frequently open in the walls.
All in all I liked this game a lot. The politicians are very well drawn, and the mechanics of the game are quite effective. Since the tiles come up in a random way, this game even has a good re-playability.
Congrats for your Spice Invaderz! I must tell you that the Invaders are really not my thing, but this particular one is the best I have played. The innovation of having the ?mother ship? sending a missile is excellent, and even if it is a difficult game, it is playable, which is more than I can say about the majority of the Invaders games.
Suggestion: When there is just 2 or 3 Aliens left, the speed of the game gets crazy, and when just 1 is left the speed gets impossible. I would decrease it a bit.
Question: I am playing with CSpect, and I confirm that this game does not work when placed inside the Next SD virtual drive, having to be placed in the CSpect folder itself and be invoked by a script that starts CSpect. Can you explain why this happens? I have just seen this in other 2 games, Outer Intruders https://oscarbraindead.itch.io/outerintrudersand Nexttanks https://oscarbraindead.itch.io/nexttanks, and the only commonality I find is that all these 3 games haven been developed with Boriel's BASIC? Maybe what triggers this issue comes from Boriel?!
Congratulations for the game. It looks awesome! I like also the control of the character. But in the Web version, when I finish the first level and move to the door after collecting all gems of the first level, the same level is loaded (and not a new one) and the ?dragon? gets stuck not moving. Can you help me out?