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Peaceful Illumination

A member registered Jul 04, 2016 · View creator page →

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Great game! I always enjoy puzzle games. This one was a little hard to grasp at fist but I eventually got the hang of it.

Thanks! Yes it is not complete yet, we are trying to complete it before the voting is up. It would make our day if you could come back and play the finished project!

Thank you so much! We appreciate it immensely and we're still working on the game so check it out later on in summer!

I also agree, GameMaker is a great tool to make fun and interesting games easily, and I love it when I see others use it.

I played your game on a windows computer and here's my feed back.

  • Controls

Because of the locked camera view the controls should be reversed as of s = Forward (all from characters perspective) a = Right and D = Left. Also because your just running forward there should be no need to go backwards.

Jumping in the game is delayed from when I first press space, I don't know if that is in the game or just because my computer is crappy but the jump should be one to one.

Because the jumping was delayed I couldn't get past the first jump and can't make much more feed back one last thing I noticed was a stiff running animation for the girl, this could be because of time constrains or other reason but either way its up to you to make the best choice.

~Thanks a bunch! It always means a lot when someone says my art's cute because I feel like they really get what I'm going for.~

Ahh mann this looks great! Everything is so cute! I love it :)

Hey man take a look at this guy from our game he's dang dreamy amiright?                               you know I've been thinking about it and I think the main protagonist for our game ~is the rhythm~

Quick post about our game since the changes were made.

Genre: Rhythmic

Platform: Windows

Engine: Game Maker Studio

Story: None, Just a weird dream with dreamy stuff in it.

Game Play: As in the video you press Z or X at a specific time that goes along with a song and trying to get all perfects.

Thanks babe, glad you like the sprites.  We use Game Maker Studio to make our games, our grandiose programmer is creme de la creme when it comes to using game maker. 

Game play of the first segment of the game. There was a recording  error midway but oh well...

(1 edit)

One section of the game is almost done just waiting on some more sprites. I just added a tree to the game.

Whoo! Finished the basic controls of the game, now for everything else.

I have two keys that can be pressed to play the game.

A perfect if you press it close to the center, good if off a bit, and miss if missed the good or perfect area.

So we have been working on the music for the game and talked a lot about it the past week and we came up with that the game will be a rhythmic game based off of Rhythm heaven. We finished recording the music and now we can finally start programming and working on sprites. Pic of us working on the music.NerdsLoserDweeb

Here is a super rough draft of this game. I haven't talked to my spriter/game designer about this game at all so expect massive changes.

(1 edit)

The title may give it away but also will be change in the future but this is a rhythmic game that I have no ideas for. So with that said I'm off to do something for this game.

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Howdy! My name is Brenden and I have my company, not a real company though, Peaceful Illumination that I made with my friend Justin. I program the games while he makes the sprites.

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

No, we were busy with other stuff. We always want to participate in a game jam for once and now should be that time.

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I relay enjoy Paper Mario and Thousand Year Door and Super Mario Sun Shine. But This small game called Adventure Bar Story for the Nintendo 3DS inspired me to make a game similar to it.

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I have a mild experience with game development but have never released a game nor have made a really good game. I use Game Maker Studio that I was taught with in high school.

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

I am very passionate about programming and learning new technics to make my games even better than they once were.

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

To turn in a finished game. In school I never turn in a game on time.