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A member registered Jan 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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None yet, but will be announced in a public post.

You can check out the devlogs to follow our progress 👍

Yes, I'm working on getting the game on Steam! Both the demo and full game will be on there 😄

Sorry about that, we don't have a quit button atm unless you quit from the main menu or alt+tab 😭 The 'X' at the top corner is there for looks

Chat pings only happen when you get new messages so you may be receiving them in a DM. So if the messages are paused on your current screen, then you're getting messages elsewhere. It's pretty hard to notice with our current notif visual indicator but we're planning on making a clearer one 🙂

Thanks for letting me know! I'll send this to the programmers o7

Hi, the kickstarter will be announced in another post! Most likely after we release the extended demo \o/

Hello! Imo funding the kickstarter has more advantages. You receive the game and extra rewards (plus we'll have an early bird discount tier so you can get the game and rewards at a lower price. About 15 USD!); and it'll help fund the game 😄

I think for the game alone, it will be around that price.

no, we don't have plans to release on mobile :(

Hello, we don't have settings set up yet; also, if you alt+tab, you can simply 'x' the game so you don't have to shut down your laptop 👍

We'll have an early bird discount tier that includes the game key + extra goodies <3

I'm still contemplating on the price but will post another update announcing it o7

I'm also excited for Oliver's route! Our writers are cooking something good 🤭

You can simply alt+tab and press 'X' to quit the game o7

Thanks for letting us know! Screen resolution is on our to-do list 🙌

AND YAY Oliver stans unite!

Hi, we're actually planning on changing the point system to have it less difficult--so calls won't be locked based on the number of good and bad choices you've made, only the endings in this new system!

Hi! There are no bad endings in the demo. If you're having trouble, you can follow the guide 🙌

Hello there! I don't think it's a system error as other people are able to play the game. The calls don't occur if you've chosen most wrong choices; have you tried following the guide that I've posted? It'll help you if you're stuck!

As for the save function, it's been mentioned on our page that it's missing in our current demo until we update it. Why is there no save? Because our programmer is using Unity, an engine that requires you to write code for everything, unlike Ren'py that already has a built-in system. So the save system takes a very long time to program. You can try waiting for the game to get updated so you can save or follow the guide!

Thank you for playing our game and appreciate your patience for our update ❤️

!!SPOILERS!! Don't read further for potential spoilers that only happens if you get equal points for Roman and Daeho during Day 0

Not right now. It couldn't be implemented on time for jam, but we'll be updating our build with the save/load function!

did someone say Cupid's route? 👀 perhaps...

no, the game's content may not be suited for app regulations ;;

(1 edit)

no, the game's content may not be suited for app regulations ;;

sorry, we don't have a mobile version! ;-; the game's content may not be suited for app regulations haha ;;

I watched the video and I just wanna say you're so sweet! Tysm for playing and liking our game 😭 And your initial impression of Romulus is so cute and funny, we can't but be thirsty for him in the end 🤣

They kinda have a similar premise, but it's actually a kdrama called Happiness :D

same 😭

Hello, thank you so much for playing and for the feedback! Since this is my first project, I wanted to have things more simple and linear to avoid overscoping the routes. But I'll consider the balance between minor and bigger moments more thoroughly! 

not right now, but there will be one in the updated version!

Hi! Totally get this from your POV, but I think it's a personal preference. Because personally I don't like surprises--I wanna know who I'll go for 👍 So yes, personal preference 🙌

maybeee 😏 i still can't get over it

it is up under dev log!

omg hahaha 🤣 if Cupid does that, you are indeed making some wrong choices ;o; I'll post a guide which hopefully you find helpful! 

tysm! I'm so happy you're liking it! 🤗

I hope you enjoy it!

Hello! Our current build isn't 100% polished and lacks some features such as save/load, so it doesn't reflect the final product we have in mind. You should definitely still play it though! But if you could wait until our updated demo build to record, I'd appreciate that so much <3