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A member registered Jul 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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LOL. Glad you liked it :)

yeah, I should have balanced it better.. Thanks for the feedback tho!

Really nice art and concept! I'd love to see more levels tho!

Really nice game! Loved the mechanics! I think it would benefit from some art though. 

I loved the game mechanics, great job!

Really thank you for all the feedBack! I fixed it all again(hopefully no more bugs xD), if you manage to finish the game you shall find a special surprise!

Awesome graphics! And nice gameplay mechanic, I think it would be cool if the fire was restored by throwing the wood at it though. The best game I played so far!

Thanks! I fixed the game now :P if you want to check come to :D

Thank you! the turtle is slow because the game broke in proccess of building the game :/

It said that it was gonna last for only 2 days and now it is saying 8. I'm confused lol