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A member registered Nov 27, 2017

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(2 edits)

Lol, sorry I'm tech dumb I have no clue how to send the save file.... >.< 

I thought Chapter 5 was pretty great, the new characters are also great especially Sigrid and Sylvara. (How does the emperor look like under the mask? I'm curious hehe).

(3 edits)

After Victor visiting, suddenly no new events are showing up which is strange since I did not get to the end of chapter notice yet. Is there none this time?

This is honestly a great game. Feels underappreciated in my opinion, you deserve more. I especially love the 4 attribute system. 

(6 edits)

Interesting game.

If I may ask how much is this game?

Why can I only choose Nomad in the demo? Is it like this for everyone?

(1 edit)

Finally found out how to unlock the  scene!!! Only works when  I flirt with Antoniette though...  Was that intentional? 

Anyways, I hate that guy (you know who) lol  but at least the sex scenes with him are hot... Am I weird haha

Strange.. already done the first client but there was no opportunity to work at the brothel the second time when last played?? I’ll check again. Sorry to bother you 😅

Oh, and congrats on finishing chapter 3. Love it 🥰 

Hello, may I ask how does the scene with Catherine with the ball gag trigger? I seem to have missed it. 

Hello, I love this game, but may I ask  is Khai a possible love interest? He's cute

Best  visual novel game  I played in a while, somewhat felt that I really am the main character. Loved all the characters, especially Matt ;)

Thank you so much, It really helps a lot! It’s a really good game, I enjoyed it👍🏻

Will there be a walkthrough? Only can get one ending so far.

I'm stuck when the game needed me to design a "capri length with  gingham pattern" somehow the pattern I bought from the store is off? Would you be able to adjust it somehow.

Hello, would there be a full guide for the designing part of the game because I just can't seem to do some of the designs correctly??? I won't be able to the next chapter at this point :( :( :(