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A member registered Nov 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Tried a localized version of Cordova and still didn't take without  breaking the game. looking into 3rd party hosting services that other games have used. been focused on finishing up the mountain region and adding the end game. will use all the things I learn here for another game I am also making. Learned that releasing an unfinished game is more of a pain than releasing a full game for reasons like these. Sorry for the lack of apk and other supported platforms, first game, lots of mistakes. but lessons learned. 

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I kickstarted Dead Matter back in 2019 and in 2021 it finally entered Alpha. They never ordered steam keys and 20,000 people had to wait a month so they could grab steam keys 100 at a time per day. Steam is not an easy thing to get keys from and setting up the automation process is daunting for a single person, especially when it is your first time doing so. Steams own guide shows:

Q: How many Steam Keys can I get for my game?
A:Games and applications launching on Steam may receive up to 5,000 Default Release Steam Keys to support retail activities and distribution on other stores. After that, all Steam Key requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

And getting those bulk keys lined up and available for every purchase is a pain in the rump. There is a lot more that goes into this issue than just updating a check box. You have 2 third party companies that are agreeing to share access. Do you really think Steam would just hand out keys for something you would normally pay for without verifying? You will get your key in time, in the mean time you can still download the game here and add it to your steam library as an external game. This honestly isn't a hill to die on as a consumer, and honestly isn't a very fair criticism of a game developer. I make text based games that are 1000000X lamer than this and it takes me 400+ hours to get 1 game out. This had to of taken months to build and they were still gracious enough to give it to you for $1. and some pocket change. No one owes you there labor, its hard work doing this and in the Indie Game sphere these technical issues happen all the time. We don't have a direct phone line to Steam like AAA studios do. We have to wait on hold like everyone else. My suggestion is go to any game engine and spend 10 hours building anything at all. Most likely all you will have is a single untextured moving object and a premade asset with mood lighting. I am honestly just astonished at the outrage that is happening. Shame, shame. 

you are always welcome to leave any ideas or things you may want added in the 'suggestions' forum. Ideas are always welcomed.

I currently have a full time job and a weekend job. I work as a Systems Administrator which takes up sometime, especially around the holiday seasons, so work has ramped up at this time. and then on the weekend I work as a maintenance tech for an arcade to help pay off some debts. so as of right now I work on passion projects Thursday nights and thats about it until the holiday season passes and I have more free time. right now lookin at what I have in the roadmap I am primarily working on the NPC interactions (Shop keeper, Inn Keeper, Blacksmith, etc.) I got a foundation for that already programmed in and I have all the photos already generated. so now its just a matter of getting the code loaded onto the passages and adding a button for these interactions. so I am just about done with the next update. I released a new update at the beginning of December, I released the game in start of November.  I would say if my schedule stays the same I can probably get a new update out every 3 weeks to 1 1/2 months. so on average once a month.

tl;dr - once a month

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I am currently working on it. Adobe PhoneGap and Apache Cordova are no longer supported, VoltBuilder is pay to use and is kind of steep in price if I am gonna use it for a free to play game.   I am attempting to use nw.js and nw-builder to make the MacOS, Linux, and APK version of this HTML game. but the process is a learning one and I haven't had time yet to truly dive into it.  Once the process has been polished and debugged it will release for android / iOS / Mac/ and Linux if the packager does what it truly says it does.  Thank you for asking.

tl;dr - hopefully soon

Berry Picker community · Created a new topic Experiences

Feel free to add comments here about what you liked, what you didn't like.  what felt good what felt clunky or slow. if things are too hard or too easy. any feedback is much appreciated. Thank you.

Berry Picker community · Created a new topic Suggestions

Please leave suggestions for anything you would like added or updated. I plan on adding a lot more creature encounters, since that is the main focus of this game, as well as updating the UI. HTML and CSS code for the UI is time consuming and I want to get a functional game before creating bugs with the UI elements. any suggestions on wanted creatures to add or scenarios are much appreciated. Thank you.

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Please, if you find any errors please let me know and add the error code here if possible so I can fix these things. I did my best to run through every scenario but things can slip through the cracks here and there. thank you for any assistance you may have.