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A member registered Feb 01, 2020

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On windows, hold down ESC. On Mac, you should be able to click on the goose icon again and it should have an option that says "Quit Desktop Goose"

if you’re on mac, there should be an icon next to it that will remove the goose until you reopen the file.

on windows, go to your home screen and hold down each for a really long time

on Mac, it should come with a terminator thingy next to it, on windows go to your home screen and hold esc for a really long time, read the read me if neither of these work 


i have no idea what that is?? sorry i’m dumb and have a mac

i tried wine but it didn’t work?

are you thinking about making this for MacBooks, because I have tried every way humanely possible to download the goose friend, and I am much sad because I have failed

I think you re-open the application like you did the first time

same here, I downloaded so many file openers

Are you thinking about making this for Mac?