II downloaded this expecting decent porn, I got a pretty good story to go with it too. I hope it's continued + completed, and maybe more femdom can make an appearance?
Recent community posts
Have you made any changes since the last time I posted here? We are in need of more tiles, as currently we need to use some vanilla accompanied by this pack. Ultimately, I will be creating our tileset myself, but this is still the best tileset I've found to use in the meantime, and it would be great if it has progressed.
I wish I could change positioning based on name length, because I can't really center the window directly above the character name, it will center over only ones I specifically set it for.
Also, I'm not sure why, but when I have a different character with no portrait talking, the last portrait just sits partially in the corner.
Are these available for commercial use? I am an up and coming pixel artist, I would like to learn from this style and maybe use it in a game. This would really help further the development of the game my friend and I are working on. We aren't far along yet, but even using these as a teaching tool for myself would be immensely helpful.
Thank you. I saw the plugin said it supports MV and MZ when I downloaded it, so I had assumed that it was the MZ one, and I believe it may have even referenced MZ in the description in the plugin manager? I'm not sure. I already deleted it. Anyway, I really wanted to get this fixed because I'm interested in your moving platforms plugin, this is in early access for Patrons or is it no longer around? Or was I mistaken about its existence? I know there's a way to make moving platforms using eventing, but damn if that doesn't look super difficult.
I actually saw that alert in the plugin luckily enough. However, your core plugin is giving me a specific error as well.
Uncaught Type Error: this.playtest(...).nwindowPos.split is not a function at Object.onWindowLoad
It gives me this both on default settings and if I change the position.
It also says "DevTools failed to parse SoueceMap