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A member registered Jan 16, 2021

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nearly two years since your last update,  people are still subscribing… not cool… 

As of this update, yes. Originally, for the first 5-6 updates, he would update every 4 months. Then he started updating twice a year as the story progressed. Now, he’s obviously aiming at an update a year. The logic behind it is, as far as I can tell, that the story is reaching its finale. 

technically yes, but it's obvious the guy is just purposely being extremely slow with updates so that he can milk subscription fees on Patreon, seeing he's well aware that the next update is the one most consumers of his VN have been waiting for for three years.  He publishes an update roughly once a month, always containing a disclaimer about how something "huge" happened in his life - he caught Covid, he moved homes, his computer crashed, his migraine medication ran out, the Screenwriter's Guild went on strike, he's gotten writer's block, his cat ate his homework... So yeah, I highly doubt any update will be out in December. Gotta' at least wait until January for a new round of subscription fees. 

it’s been nearly a year.  Any idea when the next update will be done?

Seeing that this update is taking much longer than then previous ones, will it also be longer in terms of number of characters and renders? Excited! 

When can we expect the next release? Super hyped!

Would you say the new update is closer to being published in April or in May?

The VN is truly amazing! By far the best VN of its kind I’ve ever seen! The graphics are wonderful, the characters are realistic and human, the storyline is very fluid and spot on, the relationships are strong, the dialogue is great and it all just feels REAL. Looking forward to the next instalment! So we can definitely expect it the next week or so?