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Percy Game - Pr3tor

A member registered Feb 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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Well, that super nice of you, but I asked for an environment artist, not a caracter artist.

Hi, I’m Percy_Game, form Barrel Studio. I’m looking for a pixel artiste for my new game, The Arcanian Ring. More speciflicly, I’m looking for someone how can draw the environement. For all the entites, I will use a pixel art render of 3d animated models, to be able de make all the view of all the mobs/player very quickly and cheaply. Thanks

(2 edits)

Hi, I’m a godot dev (kinda newbie) looking for a team, to improve my skill. Do you think it could be possible for me te join you team ? (If you want some references, please have a look here, it’s my first game, no finished yet, where I was the only dev, so I handled all the code alone) Contact me on Discord if interested : percy_game


Thank you so much for your feedback. It realy help improving the game

For the skeleton, you have 5s after the decay to kill them, and it take multiple fire ball. Other wise, you can hit them insted of casting fire ball. For your problem of no being albe to cast, it’s because you have a mana bar. Over 100, a dacay use 25, and a fire ball 10. Your mana restaure by itself, but realy slowly. The game is not finish, but normaly, you would find some mana regeneration items.

You do need a controller, and you have to aim with the right joystick to cast anything, decay(L1), hit(L2), fire ball(R2)

Why not, can I get your discord, and we talk mora abour that stuff

Damn, that idea is wonderful, exepted the poop, you can, you know, make à clicker game, where you have to find stuff in eggs you break. And then, you unlock upgrade, or better breaking tool, etc..

Hi, Persy_Game's here,

I'm a little french guy searching for a graphist to make all the visual of my game.

Please anwser me if interested !

Thanks !