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A member registered Jul 16, 2024

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Not trying to be rude, but are you still alive Ceddot ?

No updates in 4 months, no dev log or somethin 

Thats fine, just glad that its gonna be dropping this year 

(1 edit)

Can you estimate when is the next chapter dropping Kuro ?

Like,is it this year or next year ? or drop name of month 

(2 edits)

The Dc link is expired. Ive been waiting for the dc link when its 2nd day of 0.1 release only to be face with expired link 😭 cmon OneHend let me in 🤣

Grea Story pacing - Great render - Great design - Promising Story - Great Layout of Options - Amusing Gallery. 

- ill rate it 8.9/10 - Its only 2 updates its will surely deserves 10/10 for more updates

- Also to be clear how many main girls will be?  theres a lot of girls but they are not on gallery ( may i assume that all girls in gallery are main girls? )

(2 edits)

- I finally caugth up to the game, and it is a good story good pacing but there are still holes for improvement overall rating 8.9/10 for now but im sure that will go up for upcoming updates

- The background sounds is unique and i didnt expect the phonk/funk part 😆.

- And the renders is absolutely good, the girl design is good too i can tell you have taste 😉

- Just wanna ask if your gonna add lewd scene or not, if you do thats great to spice the story and the romance, and if not then its great too because you focus in the story and like i said the story is good so far. 

- The english translation is kinda rough to read no offense tho, but im sure youll improve that. I trust that you will improve a lot if you finished this game 👌

(The Bane line is unexpectedly good 😆)

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Is there gonna be android? 

and whiy cant i play it on joiplay damn 

also the discord link expired

Im confused it says ver0.11 but why its too short ? or maybe the right word its only 0.1 ? 

Am i dumb? 😐

Wdym not dead "YET" 😭

- Didnt it try yet but ive read some of the update, and from the image i saw the Render is good and promising, and please dont apologize about your Renders its only 2 updates and from the look of it youre defenitely doing good and honestly the main girls design is top tier.

- Ill rate it again after finising it hopefully the story is also promising.

This.......A freaking hidden gem like, good story telling and to humor on this VN is so good. The story is not in shambles and the character design is good especially Fran and Celeste ( Fran kinda remind me of yuno from mirai nikki, And Celeste's design is good, purple haired girls are attractive ) Overall 9/10 Im leaving the 1 point because the action part is too little, but im sure this will be a masterpeice in upcoming updates 

- Just wish you have a Discord 😢

Just finished the game ill give it 8/10 for now. But surely that will be 9 or 10 in the coming updates.

The reason i gave it 8 is the character move or display it slightly looks goofy but in a good way.

The story is promising and it still has room to improve. 

Also if these Avn is finish how many version does will take ? (its fine if you dont answer)

Also even tho its v12. Darla is still lacking of scene (ofc i know her situation) but when we will get action on Darla ?

Not playable on android ?

Do you have some walkthrough routes ? for girls ? i kinda miss some image on Valentina.

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Oh thank goodness.

Btw is your game connected to DOGMA or WRATH ? im not saying connected in universe but is this reality connected to the both game ? since NAEL is goddess.

I hope this get answered cuz i like this game so much im playing in android and i just finished the game to chapter 1 to 8 

If the chapter 9 is release how can i save may data ? because other game when they update i have to uninstall the game and download it again. re-run it until i got the new update.

I hope its different here. How can save my data ? 

pls dont 🙏

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Wait is this true ??? i get the Duma scene but the Oli scene ? where ?

Okay, but can you answer my question ? well if you think its a spoiler then dont answer it. I just wanna know if chloe is gonna come back its just i like her design it be a waste to left her out

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So far the game looks great, the design the backgrounds too and side characters is also promising like chad. And the cliffhanger left me crave for more hopefully the game update wont be long. But im not saying you need to rush it,

And do you have plan adding gallery next update ?

And the design on Vanessa and Rose is just absolultely good, hope these two will get a scene next update too ❤

Do you have a walkthrough ? because i finished the game but i feel like im still missing something. 

(3 edits)

This game has a huge potential. And may i ask why you dont have a gallery ? 

Looking forward for the updates

   - EVE is the best girl already hands down 

Is that even possible ? to add more route ? 

I played a lot of avn but ive never seen that they add a new route and new girl

Well if its possible I hope claire really get one.

But i doubt it bc shes connected to SICAE

I really need answer Android users.

How can i save my data progress if i download the new update ? 

Someone knows the ropes ? please ?