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A member registered Apr 19, 2019

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This is Vitis.

She always means just the best for other people, but often her elaborate plans to help go very wrong. She is never set back by that, though, and carries on working towards her goal of making the world a better place for everyone. She can become very frightening when she's upset.

This is Hayley.

She likes stargazing and listening to synthwave, and also doing both at the same time. She sometimes tries to act all mysterious and secretive, but her friends think, she tries a little too hard on that. They love her nonetheless.

Created her while listening to Constellations by Dead Astronauts; her looks were inspired by the cover art.

This is Mt'ut'yun.

She comes from a family of elder beings bringing terror to the world, but she does not like what her kin does and tries to break out of old customs and expectations by being nice to people and helping them when they need it. Most are easily scared by her looks, but she tries her best to make a good impression.

This is Cailleach.

She is a powerful witch and will grant your wishes - or not, depending on her mood. Be careful what you say to her, as she might use it to fool you in the worst possible way. She likes cats.

This is Aoi.

She likes meat... raw meat... and yours is her favourite...

This is Yuki.

She likes to play outside and have fun with her friends. She likes animals, but bugs scare her. When meeting new people, she is a bit shy at first, but warms up to them if they are nice.


This is Farfalla.

She cries easily and sometimes thinks that everyone is against her. The only things that can calm her down are comforting words from her friends and chocolate.

This is Layla.

She is a bit awkward in social situations and does not really know how small talk works. She also gets mad easily, making it even harder for her to get along with others. She still tries, though. She likes everything nautical, be it going to the beach, surfing, sailing or things likes explorers, pirates and kraken.

This is Okhotnitza.

She spends most of her time searching for the last remaining dragons in the wild and sparsely populated taiga of Siberia. She is very strong in body and mind and can survive alone in the harsh wilderness for weeks. She is the kind of person to never give up once she has set a goal and can be quite stubborn. Bears and tigers usually avoid her because she reeks of danger; if she meets one nonetheless, she can wrestle it into submission with ease.

This is Emma.

She is a bit simple minded, but very kind and curious. She likes to eat a lot. Her favourite thing to do to pass the time is to lie on a meadow and watch the clouds while eating snacks.

This is Fornika.

She is a weirdo. She likes to sneak around at night and spook people. She's able to communicate with ghosts.

Created her while listening to Fornika by Die Fantastischen Vier.

This is Vivivi.

She is a man eater (quite literally). She leads a very hedonistic life style, always doing what she wants and what brings her the greatest pleasure.

This is Drafferth.

Where she goes, trouble follows. She is very lively and seems to be very creative when coming up with new pranks and tricks. She has the bad habit of eating very noisily. She likes to tell dirty jokes, even though she's not very experienced. Although she is a little troublemaker, she seems to have no problem finding new friends.

This is Wrath.

She gives off the feeling that it is your fault. You don't know what or why, but it is definitely your fault. She hates injustice and exacts punishment on all those who do her wrong. She has a bad temper and is a sore loser in games.

Created her while listening to 'Praise the Fallen' by VNV Nation.

This is Chichi.

She is a fun person to be with. She enjoys cooking and baking and always tries to find people who will eat her stuff.

This is Acth'Xiggoth.

She will haunt your nightmares...

This is Flitter.

She only comes out at night and sucks the blood of farm animals. She has incredibly good hearing, especially in the ultrasonic spectrum. She can fly very fast, up to 100 km/h. She is very shy and always flies away before anyone can see her.

This is Yawara-chan.

She is a little vampire, and she will suck your blood out, omnomnom... But actually, she likes candy more - it just has to be red. As she is only a half-vampire, she doesn't turn to dust in the sun; she just gets sunburned very easily. If you disturb her afternoon nap, she gets cranky, but not for long.

Thanks :)

Trigger warning: Blood (lots of it)

This is Maxine.

She enjoys bathing in the blood of her slain enemies (maybe a bit too much...). When she's not killed anyone for a day, withdrawal symptoms start to appear, and so she has to continue the hunt.

This is Kessie.

Kessie is a bit crazy, guheheheh... She is what you might call a psycho killer.

This is Venom.

She lives in an apocalyptic future and likes to fight to the death. Her specialty is her arsenal of venomous weapons. She sees Voyna as a rival.

Got another one:

Word: Tentacles

Colours: Red and black

Song: Mechvirus by Front Line Assembly (very technical, cool and awesome)

Bloody... I like it ^^

Yeah, I know that feel... Just randomizing the colours often looks ugly. I think, you did a good job :thumbsup:

This is Ketsueki.

She hunts at night with her mask on, so that noone can recognise her. When she reveals her six eyes, people cannot run away or even struggle, as they are petrified by terror. She thinks that humans are such easy prey.

She is young. She is beautiful. You are next.

This is Blanche.

She is an albino (in case you didn't notice). She is a happy-go-lucky girl who likes to go to parties and avoids direct sunlight, as she gets burned easily. She honestly believes that every person has the potential to be inherently good and achieve personal fulfilment.

This is Princess Siria, princess of the Empire of the Silver Star.

She is a very serious and quiet person. The people love her because of all the propaganda, but noone knows what she is actually thinking.

This is Nayami.

She is a little troublemaker, hustling around like a whirlwind, doing all kinds of shenanigans. She is the best friend of Mizu.

This is Mizu.

She is a sweet little kappa. She lives under the bridge in a river and likes to tickle the feet of those who sit down on that bridge. She is very loyal to her friends and will do anything for them.

This is Sanguine.

She suffers from a disease that makes it hard for her wounds to heal. She is often a bit depressed and does not like attention.

This is Akuma.

She is a hungry demon. She will suck you dry.

Created her while listening to Akuma by Alex & Tokyo Rose (she is based on the album cover).

This is Dearg.

Her dream is to become a witch, so she started studying at the witch academy. She's having a bit of a hard time in some of the subjects but her determination and sheer willpower help her to pull through. Because she studies so much, she doesn't have any free time and therefore no hobbies.

This is Wyrminia.

Her hobbies are stealing princesses, fighting with knights in shiny armour and hoarding gold. She can breathe fire. She likes to read sappy romance novels when she thinks nobody's watching.

This is Terror.

She may look horrifying, but she is actually quite nice. She only gets very mad when someone makes fun of her.

Created her while listening to Terror Eyes by Mega Drive.

Nice ^^

Here's a little challenge:

Use the randomizer, then 'clean' the result up a little. You are only allowed to take stuff away (so it doesn't get crowded) and to change some colours (if it's too colourful), but not all of them. You cannot add stuff or move anything.

Here's mine:

I don't know why, but her name is Lulu.

(1 edit)

I tried it:

My word was 'star', my colours were yellow and pink and the song I got was a calm and melancholic synth piece ('Atom & E.E.V.' by Scandroid):

I call her Hoshi.

These are the Four Seasons:


She is very lively, likes to run around and play tag and loves all animals and the forest. She always needs to do something, as she gets bored easily.


She is very adventurous and likes to go to the pool, a lake or the beach whenever she can (preferably every day). Her favourite snacks are ice cream and water melons. Contrary to most other people, she gets ever more energetic, the hotter it is outside.


She likes quiet, rainy days and enjoys the feeling of a cool autumn breeze gushing through her hair. She likes mushrooms so much, that they even grow on her.


She is a very quiet and cold person. She likes to be alone and wander through the snow. She feels more comfortable in the darkness and in the presence of dead people.

This is Rozovaya.

She likes winter, snow and ice. She comes from siberia, where there's lots of that. She is a very happy and hospitable person; if you visit her, there is always a hot суп and a cup of чай ready. When there's a blizzard outside, she likes to snuggle into a comfortable blanket in front of the fire place and read a good book.