Definitely will be giving that post a read! IVe been at this off and on for a year now and there's still SO MUCH I don't know. I doubt I ever have a finished product, but it's been such a fun (albeit frustrating at times) journey.
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thanks for the response and encouragement! my daughter is 12 and at one point a few years ago was really in to coding with scratch and hummingbird. I did a little bit of python back then to try to get her thinking at a higher level, but she eventually outgrew it. She still likes doing it when they use hummingbird in school (which I find awesome that they teach coding at all), but has no desire to do it outside of school anymore. Disappointing, but I suppose I'll let her be a little clone of her mom!
That's awesome your son is in to this. And also soldering at that age. I'm hot garbage at it, but can do enough to mod game boys and other small projects.
I wonder if the stack save preserves position.
For what it's worth, when I transition from overworld scene to my battle UI scene, I have to store the actor's position and then restore it when I load back to the overworld map. I'm not sure if there's another / better way to handle it, but that's what I'm doing when I restore the stack. I'd imagine that for a platformer / metroidvania it's a much bigger challenge since you could have a lot of enemies per scene to keep track of.
Really digging this aesthetic, man! As far as the map glitch, no clue how to really fix it, but what if for each scene you had a counter for the number of "alive" enemies and kept their positions in memory and then loaded them back? I'm fairly certain you're on the right track here with the fact that loading the stack back probably brings them back to life. I think doing that essentially reloads the scene.
I'm assuming when someone hits the map button that triggers the stack save and you aren't saving it at scene load? I haven't looked too deeply in to stack save/load since for a turn based rpg with random encounters it doesn't really matter much.
That's ok! I'm using free tilesets and my enemy sprites are from pokemon for now. And glad I helped inspire you a bit. Your reason is the EXACT reason I started documenting my progress a bit. I wanted to share information in case other newbies got stuck, but more selfishly, I figured if I'm publicly posting my progress, it'll help me stay focused a bit and also be able to see how far I have come from the beginning.
Heck, at this point, I don't really have any more content than when I started; however, what I have so far is definitely reflective of an actual game now much moreso than just sprites moving around a little bit. Seeing that progress helps keep me motivated and I hope your progress can help do the same for you!
So not exactly what you suggested, but I will be adding some randomness(probably not to the zoomies) in at some point. So I initially thought to base the player around a Great Pyrenees as that's the breed we own. They are notoriously stubborn. Super intelligent, but not the best at obeying commands.
So my stat system contains a stat called stubborn that when you start the game is at 100 and will eventually get lower as you level up. My plan is to come up with some mathematical formula using the stubbornness stat where if it rolls a certain value range, I'll flash some dialog about the dog heard you, but just begged for cheese instead or something like that.
it's literally a screen when running the game that is titled kernel panic. i believe it has various values in the different registers that would be in the hardware to help troubleshoot, but that degree of troubleshooting is beyond me at this point in time. I'm fairly certain it has to do with how I have my battle system designed. I think for longer battles, it's keeping too much in memory and ultimately runs out and is unable to continue which crashes the game. I'd post a screenshot, but I'm trying to redesign things so it's a bit more modular and hopefully lightweight.
Edit: Here's a capture of a kernel panic. I seem to get it every 9th or 10th battle action.
I know you commented over on reddit thanking me(I think it was you!), but i just saw this comment here. I'm just glad that while I learn things here that others can benefit as well. There's probably better and more efficient ways to do the things I've done, but I'm glad to know my way works for others!