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Pete Peterson

A member registered Jan 15, 2021

Recent community posts

Thanks that was it, the blue text said I'd get the upgrade points but it didn't happen so I didn't know what was up.

When I sell a slave who is obedient in story mode I don't get any upgrade points. Did the system for getting them change? I haven't played for a bit.

I have determined its a futa x futa fellatio thing but I can't post the screen shot it says I'm missing token not sure what that means.

Hey so I got the latest github version I'm sure of something now. When a slave uses a strap-on on a slave with a normal size vagina, it says they can barely feel it in red text. I am sure its a slave with a normal size. Also a small thing during fellatio big lips are listed as being enjoyed by the giver not the receiver. Thanks!


When you look at a description of yourself this error occurs:

SCRIPT ERROR: showVice: Invalid get index 'vice_known' (on base: 'Dictionary').

          At: res://files/scripts/characters/

SCRIPT ERROR: getslavedescription: Invalid operands 'String' and 'Nil' in operator '+'.

          At: res://files/scripts/characters/

SCRIPT ERROR: _on_selfinspectlooks_pressed: Invalid type in function 'set_bbcode' in base 'RichTextLabel'. Cannot convert argument 1 from Nil to String.

          At: res://files/scripts/

Maybe if they have enough orgasms only? That way unattractive people have less chance of flipping people? But it's definitely too fluid right now imo.

Mutation might work but that's not reliable and can do like anything. There is no potion to stop lactation unless I am really missing something. I've searched through the list a few times. I enabled the lactation stops rule i assume it takes a bit to occur?

Is there a way to stop lactation? I never found one so I thought I'd ask here.

(2 edits)

I had the same problem, the lines to edit are higher on the thread just search for my name on this page should find them.

Actually I would like a way to add pliability and quick recovery traits in the lab now that it's mentioned. Is that a possibility down the line?

No worries. It being my mistake is always a high possibility.

ok also another one you can't end a sex scene if it's after a date.

SCRIPT ERROR: endencounter: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'name_short' in base 'Reference ()'.

          At: res://files/scripts/

crud when I replaced that line now I get this did I do it wrong?

SCRIPT ERROR: startscene: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary').

          At: res://files/scripts/

Oh, yeah that makes sense on the strap-ons. and thanks for the quick response.

Hey just loaded the new Mod and when you use subdue on a non-willing person you get this error:

SCRIPT ERROR: startscene: Invalid get index 'person' (on base: 'GDScript').

          At: res://files/scripts/

Also a side note the Strap-on always seems to register as too small for enjoyment, and says "undersized large strap-on" in some descriptions. Thanks for continuing to update new stuff is great.

Ah ok. Thanks for your hard work so far.

Not trying to be a pain but the abortion function and miscarriage potion don't work for me. The debug doesn't report any errors but the baby is still there.

Ok a fresh install of everything and the only error I get is:

SCRIPT ERROR: dailyTownEvents: Invalid get index '[97, 25]' (on base: 'Array').

          At: user://mods/AricsExpansion/customScripts/

It seems pretty unimportant though. Just thought I'd post it in case I'm wrong.

Well I can't explain it but downloading the debug mod made the game stop crashing. I wasn't aware I had the debug mod at all sorry. Thanks for the quick help.

I found the logs in the application data file, but they are cryptic to me. Still here they are.


set ovulation start


set random ovulation day

set ovulation finish



set ovulation start

set random ovulation day

set ovulation finish


set ovulation start


set random ovulation day

set ovulation finish


set ovulation start

set random ovulation day

set ovulation finish


set ovulation start


set random ovulation day

set ovulation finish



set ovulation start

set random ovulation day

set ovulation finish


set ovulation start


set random ovulation day

set ovulation finish



set ovulation start

set random ovulation day

set ovulation finish



Godot Engine v3.2.4.beta4.official -

OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090/PCIe/SSE2

OpenGL ES Batching: ON

**WARNING**: BaseButton's Enabled Focus Mode property has been deprecated due to redundancy and will be removed in Godot 4.0. Please use Control.set_focus_mode instead.

   At: scene/gui/base_button.cpp:329:set_enabled_focus_mode() - This method has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Godot_2022 something something

Godot Engine v3.2.4.beta4.official -

OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090/PCIe/SSE2

OpenGL ES Batching: ON

**WARNING**: BaseButton's Enabled Focus Mode property has been deprecated due to redundancy and will be removed in Godot 4.0. Please use Control.set_focus_mode instead.

   At: scene/gui/base_button.cpp:329:set_enabled_focus_mode() - This method has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Aric's Expansion v1.5

**WARNING**: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).

   At: core/object.cpp:2132:cleanup() - ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).

**ERROR**: Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).

   At: core/resource.cpp:475:clear() - Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).

Sorry I have no clue what any of this means but I think there is an answer in there somewhere.

Damn it I have no idea why but my game crashes every time I end the day. I tried deleting pregnant characters, switching all jobs to library, making sure no new slaves we're going to become pregnant, and i even went and loaded an old save from a few weeks ago and hit end day but it crashed. I wish I had a more clear explanation of what is happening so I could help. All I can determine is it's not based around pregnancies I'm pretty sure cause the old save still crashed, and I don't think its the public nudity because I made everyone stay in the library. Is there any trouble shooting tips or something? Something that could help me determine the cause?


(1 edit)

Hey I noticed you changed the strap-ons to be large thanks! Also I have a weird thing now where every character has an undiscovered trait, something about the fetish menu in the talk menu I think but I've looked there for like every character am I missing something?

Thanks! Totally worked when I got the tab spacing right. This is kind of a nothing but why are strap-on sizes always micro? Am I missing a way to adjust their size? Can that be added if it's not already there?

I get a crash when giving a pregnant slave a miscarriage potion, selling them or setting them free. I don't think this is the old pregnancy resets bug.

It's been a year and the last 0.95 update says there are more scenes with Luna. The last one I can ever get is her carrying the dildo around. Is there even scenes beyond that?

Oh cool, good luck to ya.

It is not compatible with 1.0 and I ASSUME it's still being updated but Aric has been silent for a bit. Dunno what's up.

Its been a bit since Aric posted is this still active?

I dunno, I feel like this game is more dark then it is fun. It's hard to be aroused when you genuinely just feel bad for the main character. As for games that are kinda similar, off the top of my head Kingdom of Deception and Highschool of Succubus. Personally I feel like Highschool of Succubus is more fun cause there's not any rape and little sadness.

oh well glad i screamed then... new question can you date Kate and Violet at the same time? Actually can you date Damien, Kate and Violet at the same time?

oh thanks guess i'll restart.

Is there a way to just avoid Matt altogether? Cause if not I just can't get into this game.

hey i get this error when i use the miscarriage potion now.

SCRIPT ERROR: abortion: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'death' in base 'Nil'.
          At: res://files/scripts/person/