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Peter Lantz Dev

A member registered Jan 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for nice comment, keeps me going to push this out!

More Info > Run Anyways (probably an unknown publisher warning)

I believe Windows keeps track of how many times any given times software runs on their operating system, and after seeing a program get run so many times across the world it gets comfortable. But at first it will display warnings to users.

Don't feel pressure! I was just spitballing since I felt inspired. I love that your adding the eel since so many people said that was scary growing up haha. I wasn't one of them, the most scary thing in the game for me was the wierd door designs of the haunted mansion paired with spooky music.

Random scope creepy ideas

- in general, new monster (or a quirk about peach develops) per section of castle?

-The water in the basement, something DEFINILTY has to be done with that. Like maybe it floods suddenly. or alerts some unwanted attention.

- the eel comes for you if you go in water. Perhaps a star powerup lets you swim fast enough to evade it and reach another section?

-you know the haunted piano with teeth? would be funny if something else in the castle did that out of nowhere.

- dark mario comes from mirror room, maybe acting as your reflection at first, but then the AI takes over and it gets a mind of its own and slowly starts walking towards you?

-dry dry bones spawn somewhere in castle field protecting a statuette. Not a main threat, but they slowly walk towards you as a group outside until you get indoors and its kinda unnerving. Maybe unexpectedly, mario encounters them again behind a door and they resume their chase.

- some of the paintings have hands come out and reach for you if you get too close? A spooky scare at first, then mechanically turns into a "you have to risk running to get past this safely " area

(1 edit)

So simple, but so fun, I love it! I can imagine so many ways this game could expand given the source material!

The AI is a lot more fun to interact with in this one. Thank you for putting it out there

This is really fun! Every mechanic meshes together really nice. I especially like the creaking and the water. Really makes you FEEEEEEEL like your playing Thief.