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A member registered Jun 05, 2021

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I think it was an insightful look at the deathcare industry and how capitalism continues to be an utter menace to everyone. I do wish there was some way to talk to other people as Charlie, because then all her characterization comes from what other people say about her, her appearance, and what she has on her computer. It was still a nice experience, though.

A neat calming experience, though honestly I didn't quite gel with the message it delivered about validation. It still had a nice atmosphere, a cool little story, and some laid-back puzzles about stacking rocks.

A short game about printing money. Once you know what you're doing it doesn't take long nor is hard. However, lot of the fun is just the panic from figuring out how to operate everything with only basic interaction controls and no further instruction. This combined with the time limit (which is actually quite generous) and atmosphere makes the game surprisingly tense.

A fun and charming game with tactile puzzle boxes. Not terribly long but it doesn't outstay its welcome at the same time.

A short but harrowing experience about infinity. Also braindead questions.