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A member registered Jun 19, 2024 · View creator page →

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The music really pulled me in. I didn't know what was happening at the beginning, but I don't even care, I had fun.

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Easy to understand and really enjoyable :D. Quite impressive when we consider it only took 50 hours to make :O. You did a great job!

PS: The only thing I'd change, is that I would add a skippable tutorial in the endless game too. It's really enoying DX.

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I really enjoyed it. It's a fun idea. :) The only thing that seems odd to me is the crossing line between damaging the enemy and getting hit. 

PS: My high score is 39 :)

I just loove the funny sound effects.

I really did enjoy playing it :D Good job.

Hru jsem si upřímně užila, především tu ponožkovou "převlíkací" část :D. Líbil se mi také zvrat té hudby, když se rodiče začali hádat, (jen bych ji tam nechala déle, dala ji do loopu a pak ten loop na konci dialogu přerušila). Celkově i ty kresby vypadaly krásně. Moc ráda bych viděla pokračování, kdyby se našel čas :).

PS: Našla jsem malou chybku v textu viz screenshot:

Thank you for commenting :D. I'm glad you like the graphics. I appreciate and understand the critique too though ;).

As simple as this game may seem, I really enjoyed it.💙