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A member registered Oct 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hol-y smokes! That is such an awesome and creative use of the assets. I'm blown away by how 3D changes the looks of it. Hekkin rad. The game looks awesome! Well done!!

Thank you! Glad you're enjoying them! A town area might be a fun evolution of these sets-- thanks for the suggestion! I've been wanting to try something new 

Oops! That wasn't intentional. I was poking around with things on the back end and must have saved that by accident. Thanks for pointing it out!

Thanks very much! ^u^

I'm so happy to hear that! Congrats on your gamejam!!

Glad to hear it! 

That's awesome! Great job on making a game!!

Hey, thanks! Good luck with making your game! I love seeing what folks make with these

Oh, wow! That's really awesome. Thanks for making a tutorial for the dev community!! I'm glad my tiles could help

That shouldn't have been the case, but it was! Thanks for letting me know. I've found the stray off-color pixels, fixed them and uploaded a new PNG. It's just 4 colors now :)

That's a good suggestion! Thanks. I'm def one of those people that forgets metadata exists XD

If only there were a website where indie artists offered their creations--mostly for free--with hundreds of GB-compatible assets available... 😆


Much appreciated! GB was my first console and will always be special to me

thank you!!

Good ones I hope! 

Hey, thanks very much! There's something fun about playing in well-worn territory. I hope you have fun with it :)

I use both Tiled and Aseprite to make the thumbnail images :)

That's so awesome! Congrats on making a game!

That absolutely warms my heart to hear. I'm glad you like them and I hope you both have fun learning!

Holy cheese! That's awesome! Many congrats on your win :)

That's so awesome! Congrats on finishing the game jam!

Thanks for the feedback! I've been thinking about doing more outdoor-focused sets, so it's good to know there's some interest

Thanks! It's fun to add new things and themes with each new set 

That's awesome! Congrats on finishing the jam!! <3

What a fun vibe! Great sense of humor!

Ahh! I am so honored to receive such an awesome game! It's a perfect vibe--the blend of creepy/haunting and melancholy. Very well written and leaves a lot for the player to fill in. The art style is engaging and fits the mood of the story. And puzzles to solve! Love it!!

So glad you enjoyed it!

Wow! Congratulations on finishing your game jam! I had a lot of fun playing the game and am honored you enjoyed the assets. Nice work!

Thank you!! :)

Thanks very much! I had fun making it and it's nice to hear it's being enjoyed ^-^

What a lovely game! I had fun playing it!

Aw, thanks very much! I'm so glad you like! <3<3

What a neat idea! Very stylish and it's even fun to lose. I was very amused at the idea someone paid $0.15 for a tiny spaghetti noodle :D

omg, I recognize some of those assets! XD

What a fun game! Great design overall and some really impressive stuff. Awesome work!

Fun potion-making game! I got about half the orders right and enjoyed the experience figuring out how to mix them properly

What a fun experience! 

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself? 
Halloo! My name is Laurie

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining? 
I did not participate! Because I'm very new to game development, I like the idea of game jams giving me a time limit to finish the project I'm working on. I'm great at coming up with ideas and getting a third to halfway through a project then wandering off. Sigh...

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?
Story-based games will always be my anthem. Any platform or medium as long as it's got a story that grabs me I'm into it! I love games that tie mechanics into narrative --like Portal or Inscryption where the story wouldn't exist without the game mechanic and vice versa

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine? 
I am VERY much a baby dev--I've played with Twine and GB Studio and that's it! (I also wrote a D&D module and a Monster of the Week one-shot, not sure if that counts) I made a Twine game to go along with the Monster game and made a GB Studio game for the Secret Santa game jam last holiday season

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about! 
Coffee. I could drink gallons of the stuff--oh, wait. I do

6. What are your goals for this game jam?
I want to grow my overall skills as a developer; get a better sense of pacing in my dev cycle; finish the dang thing!; have people play my game and think it's cool

Day One: 
--decided the engine and set up the files (created and reused some assets)
--freewrite on game ideas, lore and scope
--review dev docs and tutorials
--post devlog for accountability!
--first draft of opening sequence/title screen:

That looks so awesome!!