How were you supposed to figure out that oybpxf jvyy abg snyy vagb cvgf vs gurl'er chfurq ol na vpr oybpx ivn n fgne ? I stumbled upon it while hopelessly trying random stuff lol. Figuring out the rest was very logical and satisfying though :D
Recent community posts
I see. I noticed that the "playing field", the slider interface, and the tavern guy's interface each keep up differently with resizing.
For some reason, the directional controls for the slider and tavern guy remain bound to zqsd and do not acknowledge modified bindings (that's why "keyboard only" seemed to do nothing). The action button acknowledges both default and modified bindings. Outside of these contexts, only current bindings are acknowledged.
This kind of context-triggered "rebind denial" only happens to me in recent games, though I'm not sure if only in Unity games. I work around this using AutoHotkey.
It works! Thank you so much for your time! I'll take this as a Christmas present :D
My guess is that it's the free resize that fixed it. At first it didn't work, but then I tried my old resizing trick and it worked. Fiddling with the settings after "fixing" the display usually causes it to relapse (as with the other games), as does quitting to menu and going from menu to "continue" or "new game" or using alt+enter. However, in all cases, there is a chance for it not to relapse, which means I can also run it in fullscreen when the dice roll right.
I'll also note that the demo doesn't have any display problems.
Out of curiosity, is there any downside to allowing free resize, in Unity games or in general ? And what is the purpose of the "keyboard only" setting ?
Thanks again.
Thanks to you mentioning this, I checked again and I figured it out! Hint (use rot13 to decipher): gurer'f n cnggrea va juvpu gb ernq gur yrggref ba gur yrsg cntr.
If you can't find it: ybbx sbe n snzvyvne frdhrapr bs yrggref.
If you're sure you solved it but it doesn't work: hfr pncf ybpx.
I hadn't noticed the clover, but I notice that the game's symbol looks a lot like a clover... I wonder what's up with that. I wonder if the clover lore points to something else in the Kultisi-verse. This game still might have secrets. I haven't unlocked all palettes, so I wonder if it would cause something else to appear. When did that book appear anyway ? Was it after the "canvas" puzzle ?
Thanks for the reply! Below are screenshots of the menu screen, intro, and gameplay. Log is here.
I have tried everything with the available settings. In the game Bomb Chicken, only the lighting effects would display, everything else was blank. My workaround was to click-and-drag the window's border, and resize it. This caused the display to rapidly "blink" between proper and blank, but eventually it stabilized. I used the same trick with Cuphead. Both of these use Unity. As far as I can tell, Slider doesn't allow me to manually resize it like that.
Using Windows 7, menu buttons and intro pictures are visible, but everything else is just a gray field. Player character's sprite appears for a split second at the menu. Is there a workaround ?
I dealt with similar problems on some Unity games by manually messing with the window size until display randomly worked, but this game doesn't allow me to try that.
I have found 349. World 1: 84 (68+16), world 2: 68 (33+35), world 3: 55 (22+33), world 4: 62 (38+24), world 5: 53 (41+12), plus 27 from masks.
However, that is not a round number, so I wonder if there's more. That stalagmite on the bottom-left of the third area of the cleansed world 1 looks very suspicious. Also, what does the number 275 correspond to? Having either more or less grins doesn't seem to affect anything.
Excellent. It's not just the puzzles, the ambience is so good, the story has the exact balance of mysterious, conforting, and ominous, perfectly setting the mood for the unveiling of old secrets. The whole game feels like tasting warm tea with unknown herbs in it.
The sound effects are the best I've heard since The Witness, and every little thing has its own special sound when you click or hover on it. So much attention to detail, I can't believe this is free.
The music is the best I've heard in any puzzle game, period. It goes hand-in-hand with the story's vibes, too. When puzzles get hard, music feels grating to me so I end up turning it off, but not this one. I dare say that it is even better for puzzle-solving than pure silence or nature sounds. I wish Baba is You had this very music on its harder puzzles.
And the content... This dev's games often feature hidden content, but this one takes the cake. "20+ tiny train tracks", it says. LOL. LMAO even.
Also, the game's save folder (in AppData\Local) is called "PlantsPlantsPlants", which somehow doesn't even surprise me at this point.
Just in case someone else has this game only display a blank window with sound (bug from Nvidia clashing with Godot if I understood well), this trick solved it for me (Windows 7): type "cmd" in the game's address bar in the explorer, then in the console type "[game].exe --video-driver GLES2"
Turns out the game still lags too much to play on my potato laptop, but it works. If the window is stuck on the upper left of the screen of something, hold "shift" and right-click on the game's task bar icon, then click "move".
Running this game here is unplayably slow for me, so I tried downloading it instead, but then it has this "blank screen with audio" problem which often happens on Godot games for me. I understand the cause to be a clash between Godot and Nvidia, possibly also involving Intel in some way.
Regardless, I recently had the devs of "20 Small Mazes" and "dflop" solve this for me by switching their games to GLES2, which I had read would work if the game didn't require GLES3-specific stuff, then I found that I could do it myself by typing "cmd" in the game's address bar in the explorer, then in the console type "[game].exe --video-driver GLES2"
However, this trick does not work with your game. Perhaps that means it requires GLES3-specific stuff, but then how can it run online? Anyways, with all this in mind, knowing it might well not work, I'd still like to try a GLES2 build of this game, if you feel like it :)
Oh definitely, but I wish I'd known about such a simple trick before. I just kind of stumbled upon it: I'd read that people who had the blank screen problem with the Godot software-/editor-itself solved it this way, and I suddenly thought of trying it on those games, but then I didn't even know how to run them (or anything) from the console! I wasn't even sure whether that was possible (lol), I just googled stuff until I saw the trick of writing "cmd" in the explorer's address bar. Anyways, I'll just spread that trick around when relevant.
OK I just found a trick that would've worked even before, and indeed has allowed me most of those previously-bugged Godot games (only the ones that don't need GLES3-specific stuff, I guess): I type "cmd" in the game's address bar, then in the console I type (in this case) "20SM.exe --video-driver GLES2" That's it LMAO *facepalm*
I also forgot to compliment your usage of blackbird song as background noise.
For some reason this game only displays a blank window with audio for me. This is apparently a known Godot bug, and while most workarounds did not work for me, I was able to play FLEB's "20 Small Mazes" thanks to him switching from GLES3 to GLES2, which I'd read worked if the game did not require GLES3-specific stuff. So, if you feel like it, please see if you could try that :)
EDIT: Just in case someone else has a game only display a blank window with sound (bug from Nvidia clashing with Godot if I understood well), this trick solved it for me (Windows 7): type "cmd" in the game's address bar in the explorer, then in the console type "[game].exe --video-driver GLES2"
It worked! Thank you very much, the game was great :D I'll definitely spread the word about this trick, in case some other devs are willing to try it.
Some curious things I noticed (no problem to speak off): the 20SM.exe I initially downloaded is 153 650 kb whereas both of the current downloads are only 71 354 kb. Did you change it at some point or did I download something weird? I'll note that this new (?) version doesn't work either, but it does manage to enter fullscreen, whereas the former only became a borderless window stuck to the upper left corner.
I also found a minor bug: if I return to the menu after starting (not resuming) a new game, the slot selection maze's dot will not move until I relaunch the game.
FWIW, I looked a bit more into it and it seems this "blank screen with audio" is a known Nvidia-related issue, which is usually solved by selecting "Let the 3D application decide" and/or turning off "Antialiasing - mode" in the Nvidia control panel. It apparently clashes with the Godot "viewport" or something. That said, this still didn't do anything for me, no matter how I fiddled with it.
I should also mention there is a Godot game which does work for me, "Megaman Rock'n Roll". It is built on Godot 2.1, whereas this is 3.5.3 (?), which might shed light on the problem. I've also seen mention of switching from GLES3 to GLES2 solving the problem.
edit: "The Legend of Lumina" also works, despite using also 3.5.3 (?)
No, no mazes and no multiple screen setup. The logs are 15 to 31 mb so I'm not sure how to send them.
I think my PC might just be too old for Godot games, which is unfortunate as there keeps coming more of them. I tried switching drivers which has worked on some games and instead of the above bug it outright told me the opengl versions weren't supported.
Curiously has the same sound-only gray window when play the downloadable version, but the online version does show proper visuals, but its unplayably slow.
Anyways, nevermind, I think it would be a waste of time to dig into this. Thanks for the reply though!
Nice :D Reminds me of "Vignettes" and "Islands: Non-Places", and also of an old obscure game called "Projective" (
It says there are 19 levels, but there are currently 24, two of which were added after Icely 4-months-old video, so this game is still being worked on. Perhaps the description should be updated.
I have found a couple bugs. In one early level (8? I forget which), one of the walls became white before anything was absorbed into it, but I couldn't reproduce it. In level 20 (the gardening shed), it is possible to absorb the shears before the lawnmower is gone.
Also, could you please make the game downloadable again?
I have cleared the game, but there seems to be a few loose ends, so I'll ask about them here.
1) I have never found the room with the "8" or "infinity" symbol. It seems to be on the other side of the "E" room, but I couldn't find anything. Can it be reached?
2) At the end of the infinite maze room, the display showed the "E" with the maze room's symbol and the "four squares" symbol underneath. What was that hint for?
3) In the "H" (?) room (the part which you first warp into), there's a picture of the "4" and "four squares" symbols. Is this only a hint to the location of the "four squares" switch, or is there more to it?
4) In the "4" room, there's a doorway with "four squares" next to it. Is it possible to go through it?
5) Sometimes, an icon made of several circles appeared right in the middle-bottom of the screen. At first there were 3 or 4, but by the end there were 7 circles. What is it that triggers this, and what causes more circles to appear?
6) In the "L6" room, there's a door beyond the bridge. From what I could gather, there is indeed something beyond it, but the hint I found doesn't correspond to the current puzzle. Could you provide a new hint?
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure how to hint at this, so here are the steps:
1: cynpr bar bs gur oybpxf ng gur yrsg rqtr bs gur jnyy
2: cynpr gur bgure oybpx arkg gb vg
3: fgrc ba gur ybjre k ohggba, fb bar bs gur oybpxf jnecf nobir lbh
4: chfu vg bhg naq cynpr vg fbzrjurer bcra
5: chfu gur bgure oybpx bagb gur ybjre k ohggba, lbh fubhyq jnec gb bcra fcnpr
6: chfu gur serr oybpx bagb gur hccre k ohggba, lbh pna abj serr obgu oybpxf.
Solved it! I guess my previous solution was the cheese? Regardless, I still feel that it should have been valid, as there's no in-game reason for it not to be (perhaps you could add a message to show that it is intended not to work?), which kinda breaks the player's trust. The intended solution was more satisfying than mine though, so this makes up for that :D
That aside, this was great!
I think I'm faced with a bug.
Gelvat gb trg gur tbyq oybpx gb gur rkvg, V oebhtug na "y" oybpx gb gur ynfg ebbz hfvat gur gjva fjnccvat oybpxf naq frg hc gur "k" oybpxf va fhpu n jnl gung, jura gur fjnccref cerffrq gur ybar k ohggba, gur k oybpxf jbhyq qhzc n obhyqre ba na y ohggba, juvpu jbhyq fjnc fnvq obhyqre jvgu gur tbyq oybpx, nyybjvat zr gb fgber vg naq riraghnyyl fcvg vg onpx bhg ng gur rkvg nsgre univat hfrq gur fjnccref gb zbir gur y oybpx gurer, va gung pbairavrag abbx.
Ceboyrz: gur y oybpx jba'g jnec gur tbyq oybpx. V unir grfgrq zl cyna hfvat gur "qbg" oybpx naq vg jbexrq nf rkcrpgrq. Obgu gur qbg oybpx naq gur fjnccref ner noyr gb jnec gur tbyq oybpx, fb V qba'g frr jul gur y oybpx fubhyqa'g jbex gbb. Fb, V oryvrir guvf vf n oht.
I think it's bugged. I can only move once in either direction, then nothing does anything, except z :/
I found a way past the bug: This works as intended for some reason.
So here's how far I got now (in rot13):
V unir sbhaq 5 raqvatf: gur abezny naq shyy inevnagf bs fgnlvat naq yrnivat, cyhf gur sevraqyrff raqvat. Zbfg vzcbegnagyl, V sbhaq gur freire ebbz va gur onfrzrag (!!!), ohg V unir ab vqrn jung gb fnl gb gur tvey ningne. V unir gevrq: hfvat zl vatnzr anzr (ENG), gur ohvyqre/vairagbe/qernzre, "natyresvfu" naq "ab natyresvfu".
I have no idea where to look, so I need a hint!
I'd prefer to avoid using discord, as I'm not sure when it will require phone verification, which I'm not giving. I'm basically saving my account for when there's no other choice.
Also, I have tried without the flowers. LOL.