For now this mod brings a PC swf and that causes it to have some problems with android, I'm working on making the mod with a 32-bit android swf.
A member registered Dec 11, 2021 · View creator page →
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en español:
hay dos cabeza con la línea más difuminada, 5 narices modificadas, 3 Pupilas modificadas, 2 ojos modificados, en los accesorios de la cara hay unos parpados y unos corazones, en los sombreros hay una tipo de brillo para la cabeza, en los accesorios de la cabeza hay unos 6 mechones de pelo y el brillo antes mencionado, hay una mangas modificada.
translated to English:
there are two heads with the most blurred line, 5 modified noses, 3 modified pupils, 2 modified eyes, in the accessories of the face there are some eyelids and some hearts, in the hats there is a type of shine for the head, in the accessories of the head there are about 6 strands of hair and the aforementioned shine, there is a modified sleeves.