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A member registered Mar 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! It was definitely fun to see you play, and to hear your perspective at the end, especially on some of the planned changes.
System clarity was my key failing here in my opinion. I felt bad watching you reverse engineer the numbers based on the status bars, lol. The purchases do stack, although their effects are diminished by increasing danger as the player progresses.

I originally planned for the softlocks/uncertainty in navigation to be a part of the challenge, however every one of my QA testers complained about them. I think I will lock those features behind a difficulty setting, to allow for both experiences.

With more time, I'd like to increase the complexity of the level generation, like you mentioned, to present the player with more choices. They may sacrifice time or tools, or risk getting trapped, in favor of getting more expensive loot. There are hints of that in the generation, but I think it should be explored more.

Thanks again!

Hey, yes, the sprites that are common between the two games came from this asset pack by o-lobster.
Both games have other assets beyond just that pack though.

Thanks for playing, and for leaving feedback! I agree on all points here. The bars aren't necessarily enough feedback to indicate game state. Audio queues are needed. I also intended to display the entire level to the player before starting, in order to help them navigate. I want those detour routes to be calculated choices rather than unexpected dead ends.

(I actually have a patch ready with these changes, but I'm holding it until 7DRL judgement ends, to give an accurate reflection of my results for the judges.)