Actually not a whole lot, can be done in an afternoon, few hours if you are doing absolutely nothing else. It actually speeds up quite a bit with every skill point, though it isn't perfect like I mentioned, so be careful what you pick. The xp requirements for fishing are quite rough, though maybe the second pond fares better, I haven't gotten around to checking it yet, but I imagine that is the reason It took way longer than the woodcutting. I wonder what the girls were doing in the literal in game months I spent grinding tho.
Recent community posts
Not even, I'm still 2 updates behind, I lost my saves so I'm doing a bit of a slow paced replay, nice to see some of the redone parts that have been taking up development time recently in action. Meanwhile new updates keep releasing, so I will have a lot to look forward to when I catch up. Maxing the skilltree kinda happened on a whim, since I was curious what the skills actually look like, also I doubt many people have done it so I took it upon myself to provide some feedback.
The skill "tree" is pretty awful right now. The second fishing skill just literally nerfs your speed, and messes up your timing muscle memory at the same time. If you are looking to make the minigame easier and not more frustrating, I'd suggest widening the green arch instead. The logging reward calculation also needs some work imo. I believe it was the 4-5-2 (with 3 crits, 48 logs) configuration that regularly outperformed even the maxed 5-5-5 (granted, with only 2 crits, 47 logs) configuration. Please consider adjusting these in the future. I would also love to see something to actually spend all of this money on.
As well as the incoherent reusage of old assets make the game visually really unappealing compared to even the earliest of your projects. I have been following you since the very first SL game, and I have to say, when I came back to check on this project after over a year, I was left very disappointed.
I have nothing against AI art in general, especially for background, but what I saw here does make me feel like your expectations for the level of quality presented in your games have declined significantly.
Otherwise, the game was pretty much what I have come to expect from you, lacking a bit in the innovation department, but I guess it's a well proven formula, so I do not blame you too much for that, I still found that enjoyable after all these years, after all.
I wish you the best, but I have to warn you, that the AI generated assets, with all due respect, look ass. Reused assets are also kinda annoying, but bearable, especially for newcomers I guess.
I find this your least coherent and by far the least immersive one of your projects so far, and I feel I can not be alone with this.
My issue is not with the lack of updates primarily, but rather the lack of transparency. This page, which arguably should be the main platform for communication, has not really been touched for ages. Not asking for much, but bi-monthly updates of the page would be appreciated. Love the game, but I cannot get behind this policy.
I like what you've done so far, which is by all means, not a whole lot, but there is definitely potential. AI or not, most of the art is good to look at. I would suggest adding some sound, and a story/progression, but I assume those things are planned already. Keep up the work, can't wait to actually play what this game will turn out to be.