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A member registered Dec 17, 2017

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pretty sure... maybe quad size is too big. I’m talk like fly under the inverted U part of the handle. Maybe it’s just me. Or something I’m doing wrong???

I have noticed that some areas you can’t fly through on the playground like marrygo round handles. Plus would love to find a way to make it bounce off somethings...

Tiny whoop racing is so popular... let’s help our favorite simulator reach that market!! 

Inductrix settings

This is pretty close to how my buddies inductrix fly. Could you try and give in input?

I’m still waiting on my kingkong tiny and inductrix... BUT TRY THIS AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK,!!

This is what I’ve found so far....

how about a tiny whoop track? Like adding small gates in the playground map...PLUS have multi model setups for different quads???

How about a tiny whoop track? Maybe add tiny whoop gates on the playground?

just bought the full version today... been flying planes a helis for years.

Ordered a king Kong tiny6 to learn indoor FPV. Does anyone have any settings that would help free rider handle like a micro for the playground map? ALSO maybe a indoor tiny whoop map would be a great addition... I’m think of paying $5.25 a month for another (unnamed) sim just becUse it has tiny whoop  courses ... I really like Freerider and would rather stay with one platform...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!