I know that this is an old question but I thought I'd reply in case the info is useful to others.
I would recommend updating when possible as the updates include a lot of backend SDK updates that can improve performance. When it comes to Whirligig on a standalone headset, when you uninstall all settings files are removed. So for a full clean install uninstall and then install the latest version. If you install without uninstalling you settings won't get removed, however if you find you have issues (sometimes previous settings can cause issues, I try to avoid this but it can happen) uninstall and reinstall can often help :)
Creator of
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When it comes to the WhirligigGo version, that's pretty much it. Meta have pretty much abandoned it. Worryingly they have also done this with the Quest 1.
So when it comes to the Go version there really isn't any way I can update as all the SDK's are dead and the Unity version has move on without backwards compatibility with anything including and before the Quest 1. Which is one of the reasons I've made it free. The Quest 1 will also become free at some point for the same reason.
When it comes to the Quest 2/3/pro all these are on app labs and if you've purchased it on itch.io then I'd be happy to provide you with a applabs key. Just email me phileday@yahoo.co.uk I will be releasing a major update for these very soon with a load of improvements, sharing location support and loads more. I'll be updating the itch.io quest 2/3/pro picovr and pimax here as well.
I hope that explains things :) Email if you want a code.
All the best
Page one Demo released on Itch.io
A beach, a house, the howling rain and a mystery to uncover. Playable in both desktop and VR take control of the first chapter of this 360 degree hand drawn adventure.
Hi everyone
I've released my demo for 'Page One' on Itch.io and would love for you all to give it a try.
Check out the store page and if you feel inclined keep on at me to continue the project. There is a lot more plot, locations and mystery to explore in the full release but I need you help to get that finished. The help that I need is your encouragement and support.
So try it out, let me know what you think and tell me I'm amazing. An inflated ego is often a way to get passion projects done :)
Looking forward to your feedback.
that they can get a code from me if they email me.
I'm not sure where to post this to reach out to the largest number of people who have already bought it. Any ideas?
Whirligig is currently available here:
Whirligig is a media player with many customisable options that makes it great for playing back video recording in projection formats not so commonly used. It also offers the standard options for flatscreen and Equrectangular.

I've replied to your email with a longer explanation but just to be brief here. I'm working on a new version which should be out soon. If you're interested in giving it a go before I release it just let me know.
That goes to anyone else who want to try it. Email me phileday@yahoo.co.uk if you like to try the latest beta when it's done.
All the best
Good question. Last year for me at least and possible half the rest of the world was a bit of a cluster fuck.
The good news is that there will be an update relatively soon as I've been trying to get Whirligig on the Oculus applabs. This hasn't gone very well so far though as it got turned down for miner issues and each update to get that corrected means a oculus review of 6 to 8 weeks. This has already happened twice.
So I'm going to change my strategy, get it working for the sidequest again and update that.
With any luck that will happen before the end of January however I'm currently stuck in Toronto visiting family and have contracted covid so now I can't get home (UK) until I'm negative again.
So not a great start to the new year but fingers crossed things start to improve :)
So keep an eye out for an update soon, assuming I don't get hit by a meteor or something.
Happy New Year
So you are right it Go isn't support but I've just built a version that should work with the Go. It required a few changes and I think I need to work into it a little more but I thought you might want to try it it right away. Here is a link:
As this is a new version that is based on the latest build any feedback you can give will be very welcome.
hope you enjoy using it :)
Just seen these messages. I didn't know they had been sent, sorry for the delay in replying.
As it's been a little while since you sent them I'm not sure if you still want me to reply. The best thing to do, if you have any questions email me directly phileday@yahoo.co.uk and I'm far more likely to get back to you :)
Thanks for your support by buying Whirligig.