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A member registered Oct 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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What a cute little dude going around melting space iceblocks! FYI I did have one instance of being stuck in a wall without being able to move out, so maybe have a little look at your colliders and see if there's anything there that might result in that.

Hey there, I wasn't able to run the .exe as I got an error saying fmod.dll wasn't installed. Maybe something to look into so that we can play your game! :D

Nice work! Some of those levels were fiendishly difficult if you wanted to get all the cherries and make it out in time! I actually got pushed into a wall by a platform in one of the stages and couldn't wiggle my way out but up until then I was really enjoying the finesse required to either sprint or not when jumping and wall jumping. 

Great aesthetic and a pity we couldn't get it to work on Geekfest night. Bizarre error message, I'm betting it was due to those laptops being pretty old :S

Really fun game and glad someone has made an actual version of those stupid Facebook ads! I really liked the chopper/tank minibosses as they really changed the feel of the game from just managing static lane obstacles to having to really move around and keep track of a lot of things on the screen.

Love that the cannon is literally a ship's cannon too, that got a laugh. Really smooth presentation as well, love that the main menu goes straight into the game and restarting does the same thing with the camera. Great work as always, congrats!

Very cool game as usual guys. Played it at Geekfest and thought I had a good high score until a kid sat down after me and destroyed it! :C

I love these kinds of dual-control games, really tests reflexes and keeping track of things in your peripheral vision. Were the shown videos actual videos being played, or animated sprites? I hadn't thought to show video like that in a game, really nice touch!

And of course yeah the music and cohesive style/presentation was top-notch. Awesome work!

Ah, that's a cool system for scoring! All those years of playing Dust2 finally coming into use haha :D

Haha! Nice one, I liked the CRT effect and keeping the player off-kilter. I admit it took me way too long to unscramble the final password... maybe I am an idiot after all :D

Nice work! I liked the 2.5D look and the simple gameplay that reminded me of all the JRPGs that I played back on the SNES :) 

I did manage to fall off the world in the South West corner so I wasn't able to uncover all the phrases that were written after battles. Also really liked the inclusion of music with lyrics, that's not done too often but it fit with the theme.

Simple but compelling! I got to Room 70 and had to stop, but curious if there is an end? Presumably not otherwise there could be a theoretical maximum high score

I liked the diagetic use of the light dimming as well as the background music sting coming in to indicate the player was running out of time, added to the stress! I did notice that it seems like the hitboxes aren't quite lined up with the shader distortion but that would presumably be a little tricky to implement. 

I liked that the papers taking some time to burn introduced a strategy of trying to hit papers that are under other papers, to avoid the top papers blocking those underneath them as they burned away.

Good work mate, hopefully someone can challenge the high score! :)

Kudos for going for Scratch as the language, that's awesome! Would love to see a design doc to know what the plan was for the finished product. hope you guys go for future jams!

Ayy, nice one! Fiendishly difficult, but I got to the end!

Neat game and fun loop!

This is cute as all get out, great work! I may or may not have accidentally left it running and ended up on day 500...didn't crash though so good on you for no memory leaks! :D

So good! I love that there's a bunch of songs to play along to. One of them (Snowland Town) genuinely sounds like the sound effects for the fishing should be in the game. Excellent work gang, especially since I know you started super late in the jam!

Had to crack out the old DesEmu install to play this but it was fun! Really impressed you managed to make an NDS game for the jam, that rules. Now to go dig out my old unit (and an R6 cart :D)...

I spun the cow. I love the cow. <3

I had a fun time trying to get the ball to go as fast as possible flicking between up and down keys! :D

Sorry, I couldn't open the Construct 3 file. Is there any way to export it as an executable?

Loved the voice acting, must have been fun to make the sound bites! Made it al the way through and defeated ALT-F4, nice work!