Please make a use for crystals such as, the Fire Crystal makes the smelter fuel last twice as long when attached to the smelter, or instead when picked up while holding the lantern makes the light from the lantern brighter and illuminate further, the Fear Crystal makes The Taxing People (Are they even in the game yet?) stay away for longer when you attach it to your door, the Protection Crystal makes Shields sell for more when attached to the (Whats it called?) WoodCutter Thingy, the Water Crystal makes you swim faster and allows you to go underwater while looking down and pressing W (it must be attached to a metal object that is like a cylinder with a little crystal slot on the top it attaches to your arm but it is just a texture it cant be equipped all you do is press W while in water and facing down and it allows you to swim down and when you look up and press W you get a small jump out of the water), the Earth Crystal (apparently that's a thing) when attached to the Smelter makes Coal last twice as long and the trees in your backyard grow bigger and give you 3 wood instead of 2, and add a Steel Crystal (does not float but will fall slowly and doesn't glow at night as it reflects Sunlight) that can be attached to your Anvil and gives each tool +1 of a random stat (because I have had 10 intelligence and hammered a hammer head smelted it reforged it reheated smashed it again and again and the stats don't change at all! WHY!?) but this is the hardest crystal to find, the attachments are like a little gold tube with a Crystal shape on the front of them that is attached to the top of smelter(Earth), back of anvil(Steel), front of front door(Fear) and the bottom of the woodcutter, and then there is the attaching of the Fire by holding the Lantern and picking it up and the Cylinder thing for Water hidden IN a different boat the Water is in one boat and the Cylinder is in a boat at the other end of the river.
A member registered Apr 19, 2018