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A member registered Jul 23, 2018

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(1 edit)

the HTML version does not fully work. the end game screen does work. you just have to click hired and more left than the start. Download run the executable instead to avoid this.

the room with 3 platforms you can get pushed through the wall by the first one.

update to my speed run time is now 1:20.98 with out the out of bounds clip. there is a video of someone doing it in 58 seconds by clipping out of bounds.

I found a video of someone doing it and getting 58 sec. but I haven't recreated it. also I have managed to get my time down to 1:20 seconds without the out of bounds clip.

nice. just got 1:43.94 without the out of bounds clip

nice, I just got 2:05.00, do you think clipping out at the 3 platforms spot with a box could be faster

and now I got 2:05.00, it might be posible to get sub 2 but this was a fairly good run

(1 edit)

nice. I got 2:16.23 with a few mistakes (thats from pressing play to landing on the floor of the end room)