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A member registered Aug 12, 2020

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RogueLove community · Created a new topic New android issue

Seems that the app doesn't download on newer phones it appears. If you're curious as to which phone I'm using its s23, and all I get is it saying its not compatible.

nvm I had a glitch where it didn't show the scroll on it my b

Don't know about that but I download from here so I don't know what could've gone wrong

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Hey I have a question about saving characters, so I was trying to update to the latest version but it says that conflicts with existing package. The only way I know to solve that is to delete the previous version and then install and in most games it deletes data alongside it unless you access files and move them. 

My question would be, could I have an external save of characters that  was done in custom and port it over to the new version without a complete wipe?

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Def mother and daughter stuff, alot  of people were mentioning putting it behind the corruption route, I disagree it should really be like 3 choices, (maybe an extra or whatever).

1st) its the straight up cheating path, (while it can be hot not my cup of tea)

2nd) convincing her daughter to have the mother join in (my personal choice)

3rd) just a normal path no lewd or anything (kinda boring but not everyone likes to have both)

And you could maybe add an extra choice but these are just ones off the top of my head.

I'm not saying someone can't request that I'm just saying some need to look and see if there are already others requesting it, adding on top of said requests can get annoying for the creator.

Never said you couldn't request nor am I trying to "white knight" or anything just saying for some to chill. 

Some people just need to chill about this whole femdom stuff. Some people are into it I get that but not everyone is they need to chill about asking for so much of it, just keep the story telling as you see it.

I'd've never thought of that, weird fix but it worked! Thought it was something I might've screwed up, thanks a ton!

Okay I'm asking since I haven't seen anyone else have this issue, since this newest update I've only gotten it to work once and now it only crashes the moment I try to open it. My phone is an s10 if that helps any

Not since it was updated no, but if we're talking space I still have plenty on my phone, I dunno if it was just the site or what cause I could still download other stuff just didn't work for a little bit on the Ravager one

Hey, not sure why but I've tried downloading the newest update several times and it either doesn't complete, turn into a .zip file, or both. Not sure why it's doing that, the phone I'm on is an s10

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Serious question, not being rude or anything like that but, I can't find that update ver 7.2 for the sandbox. The furtherest I've seen when I look at the files goes to episode 5. Am I missing something or am I being dumb and misunderstanding? I am on android if that helps any.

Hey not sure why but the game won't load on my phone, Galaxy s10. It just immediately crashes

I'm not seeing the android version anywhere. Did something happen for it to be removed?

Should be sent now

So I made an account just for this, for some reason on the android version the text is cut off even in the first few scenes even put it on windowed to see if it'd fix it but it didn't. Even closed the game and opened it again. I'll get a pic if needed.