This game is incredible! It improves on the original in almost every way, though I still wish it had a more traditional ending screen.
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I found another bug. I was fighting the boss, and because I had the upgrade that increases the range that you can pick up the knife, I was able to just stand next to him and attack endlessly, killing him quickly. Unfortunately, this made him get stuck in an endless death animation, and I was unable to continue the game. Maybe if you made it so that the boss moved as soon as he got hit, it would stop that from happening? I'm not really sure what caused it, though.
This game is so much fun! I just have two suggestions.
It would be awesome to be able to watch the level at normal speed after you complete it, kinda like Superhot.
I'd like the endless arena more if it was just a bunch of levels with power-ups in between. Maybe make it one endless room after you get all the power-ups?
This was insanely fun! I've never done a nonogram this big, and I learned a few new techniques to solve it! My only issue is that my QR scanner wasn't able to recognize it as a QR code, so I had to recreate it in MS paint to be able to scan it. Maybe make it so that once you solve the puzzle it shows an actual QR code?
Wow, this game was a lot of fun! My only complaints are that it was just a little bit too easy and it wasn't long enough, but since you did all of that in just ten days, I'll happily accept this game how it is. I hope you make a sequel or add some more levels or something. This is such a great concept! Maybe you could add reset buttons with different colors to add more diversity?