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A member registered Jul 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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Will do.

Thanks for that.

Unfortunately, no.

We have a long story ahead of us.

And when eventually we get to that part, we will have plenty of time to explore tier true desires.

Thanks for your feedback.

I understand your frustration with the couple's slow corruption progress.
But i don't believe that they are acting illogically, but rather too realistically.
A mental change of that magnitude can't happen overnight or a week, it has to be awakened slowly through various encountered and experiences.

I do feel they have changed significantly already, as they are both starting to act without always getting the ques from Jenny.
As for the missed opportunities, i believe does opportunities are the foundation for their true nature awakening.

I hope my answer helps you in any way.

Thank you for the compliment.

I have started working with a proofreader recently, chapters 10 and higher should be accurate (eventually we will fix previous chapters too)
