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A member registered Jul 19, 2015 · View creator page →

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Here's another game's same error. It's caused by collision between DirectX and the game. The way I handled is that I just turned it off if your machine's DirectX doesn't handle the matter. So, if you want the game's shader feature, you might consider getting the directX drive update from Microsoft. This link might work for that :

Your time and feedback helps the game's development greatly!! I am sincerely thankful for that. Leave your feedback freely. Any kind of feed back is welcomed.

I fixed it and uploaded the new version. Could you check again please =)  Thanks and let me know if it has no more problem.

Thanks for the report!! I will look into it right away!!

I bought this asset and I am wondering if you are planning to release other spell effects such as earth and fire.

General Discussion

If you find a bug, please copy and paste the contents of the bug report or

simply explain the situation here please. It will greatly help the development.

I fixed it already in my current build but I didn't update it yet. Thanks for the feedback!! I will update in the early next week probably.

oh well. it is there for debug. I forgot to take it away.

I just downloaded and checked. Your icons are stellar!!!


I paid $28 and why I can't download anything at all?

I would love to let you play with a controller!! I am working on it!! Thanks for the interest.

- Spearmen can stab you through walls (Intentional)

- Enemies will attack you when the lower half of your body is behind a wall

- Projectiles will be fired exactly towards the center of the crosshair.

- Changed the look of hostile arrows

- all the foods give you Stamina 10 for now

Please let me know if you find anything weird.

Your feedback is AWESOME!!! I sincerely thank you!!

I will fix those issues as soon as possible.

Hostile arrows are pain to stand out in the given enviornment.

I will update this public demo soon with upgrade and leveling system.

No Worry, I am not a native speaker too. Thanks for the reply. 1. I did it by myself with helps from various sources(mostly tutorials on the Internet, paid resources) 2. I am using Game Maker Studio 1.4

Planned release date is May 2017. Hope I can finish it around that time. Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback! =D


Thanks for the feedback! I will take it seriously!!

yeah i haven't finish balance+item variation yet.

oh my. thanks for playing my game that long. G key is only for debug purpose. The game needs a lot of work.


someday before this Summer I think.

Thanks for the feedback! I will need help from professionals for the sound and music. Once contents are filled up I will look for one. Also, as you said, shop for spending coins and abilities are planned. Thanks again!

There will be various bosses and dragon of course. Thanks for the feedback!

sure! once the game has some contents to show off =D

right now it doesn't really have any contents yet.

like, no place to spend golds, no boss...

need to work on those stuffs from now on.