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A member registered Jul 20, 2017

Recent community posts

Android apk pleeease

Android version please 🥺

Mobile port?

Still waiting for a downloadable mobile version ;-;

That's really exciting to hear, can't wait to see this new project that you are working on, but I would also be happy if the old project remained available for download. Despite being a demo, the quality surpasses many finished products on the market.

Is the project abandoned?

Great job, nice graphics and animations, fluid gameplay...

It's the first furry related content that i liked xD

Same xD

Niiiice, cant wait for it. ><

Please do it 🙏

Planning to release for mobile devices too?

Please, make a android port 🙏

that's sad :(

Please, make a downloadable version for Android

Looking forward to it

Future Fragments community · Created a new topic Mobile

Any plans for a a android build?

Android version soon?

Mobile version?

This is the will of the people, you cannot silence democracy!

Bro, we all want it, a BIG portion of users are mobile.

All we want, is a android version

Android download please, I've been waiting for 4 months ;-;

still waiting

I also wanna know

Is it coming for android?


That's sad :/

Android version?

Android version?


Plans for a mobile/android version?? 🥺

Any plans for a mobile/android build?

Thanks for answering, i'll be anxiously waiting for the mobile release. U r making a great job, keep it going. 💪

Agreed 😎👍

I know that android/iOS isn't your focus rn, but i would like to know if there is an estimated release date for mobile devices, especially android.

Yeah, makes no sense, just put a price in the download already.

I also want a android version :3

Is the mobile version going to take long to release?

We need a Android version!