I've been playing this game too much like minesweeper then. Thanks
Recent community posts
It takes HP to kill things and they give you exactly as much XP back. Some levels take more XP than you have HP. That essentially neans you need to find either chests or healing packs before you run out of that. If you don't get lucky and get more than 2 healing paxks close to spawn it's just not possible to reach more than 10hp for example
You can maximize your chanxes of finding healing packs by always killing as many monsters as you can but that's still not a guarantee.
Or ta least that's what i've been trying, what your strategy? So far i've only managed one win.
Hi is the game stable on android? bcuz last time i tried to play it it just bacame progressively more laggy everytime moved to a different area until it would just crash after 5 or 6. Size of area wasn't really important except the wolrd map one where it would basically always crash the game a few seconds after i left it.
Combat worked fine usually.
Money shpuod be automatically collected. The Onahole item is simply too strong. The first boss is already the hardrst paft of the game so i don't know why doing it two more tijes gives yiu a win screen.
Apart from that the art is top-notch even if wish it had more variant for the differejts states of clothing.