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A member registered Nov 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you! We appreciate it <3

As comes to sound, I'm sorry to hear you had issues. We didn't do anything particularly crazy with it, so I can only assume it has something to do with Godot's web player. We'll be sure to do more testing for the next release though :)

Thank you! I wish I could've fit an extra level or 2 in there (mud was very underutilized as a tile), but otherwise I'm very satisfied with how it turned out :D

Day 3 is the hardest level in the game. Jodi was able to solve it with an hour spare, while I only ever got 10 minutes before the clock ran out. My best suggestion is to *avoid the sand* as much as possible. It really is hell on the wagon.

I would've loved to add some more UI stuff, but we ultimately ran out of time. Thanks for the suggestions tho <3

Thanks <3

Thank you! I think I'm speaking for the entire team when I say that we appreciate it <3

Thank you.

I noticed that the link to the hangout channel you put in the jam's description is expired. Could one of the mods please update it?