I'm putting together a video that breaks down the storylines of these two games. Once I've played through the new content next year, I'll release it with English audio or subtitles!
Recent community posts
I can't wait to see how the other ending goes!!!
here is link to my game play video➡Carne Vescens续作!因渴望爱与被爱而支离破碎的人生_Malum Incarnatum_游戲實況_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
This game warmed my heart, Thank you!!
Here is a link to my game video on Bilibili →独抚妈妈和女儿的公路旅行,獻給单亲孩子的互動敘事游戲_A Lozenge_獨立遊戲_游戲實況_单机游戏热门视频
I can't even tell if I'm smart or stupid anymore. The game is very funny!! Here is a link to my game video on Bilibili →放心吧!交給我一定會搞砸!_Trust me, I got this!_獨立遊戲_自製翻譯_单机游戏热门视频 (bilibili.com)
I translated it into Chinese myself.
funny game!! I like it!! Here is a link to my game video on Bilibili →在线找个告白嘴替_Why Can't I Just Speak Normally To My High School Crush?!_游戏实况_哔哩哔哩bilibili_游戏实况
This game is my cup of tea!! I like it!!
Here is a link to my game video on Bilibili →打开冰箱拿芝士,顺道去地球看展览_Afternoon Spaghetti_獨立遊戲_自製翻譯_单机游戏热门视频 (bilibili.com)
I translated it into Chinese myself.
I like this game!! Deep and creepy!! Here is a link to my game video on Bilibili →她以血肉之軀鑄就母愛_Carne Vescens_獨立遊戲_自製翻譯 (bilibili.com)
I translated it into Chinese myself.
This game makes me cry so hard!! Here is a link to my game video on Bilibili →請和我一起做湯圓_湯圓_遊戲實況_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
I translated the English part into Chinese myself.
I like this game and the music!!!!
Here is a link to my game video on Bilibili →請來參加我女兒的通宵派對_Little Party_遊戲實況_游戏实况 (bilibili.com)
I translated it into Chinese myself.
This game understands me better than the people around me. It's also my first game video, it's very special to me!! Here is a link to my game video on Bilibili →妳好!我是一隻有ADHD的小恐龍_The Tale of The ADHD Dinosaur_遊戲實況_游戏实况 (bilibili.com)
I translated it into Chinese myself.
Looking forward to your new game!! I played this game before the Chinese version came out and I translated it myself. Here is a link to my game video →打开红面先生的礼物盒,乖小孩需要面对的残酷真相是什么?_Bad Parenting_獨立遊戲_自製翻譯_单机游戏热门视频 (bilibili.com)