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A member registered Feb 11, 2021

Recent community posts

Rally enjoyed the new update. And the Elevator Girl's new sprites are great.

Time to start another playthrough. 

I see, I’ll try that then

There seems to be a bug that crashes the game whenever you open a character's accessory inventory.  

Imagine someone allergic to goofiness playing this game. They'd go into anaphylactic shock within an hour.  

The new Syd stuff is amazing.

Unarmed combat? Sign me up. 

That was a fantastic little game, with a great interactive part at the end. Thanks for sharing.

The free roam and stat upgrading sounds great. Makes it seem a lot more RPG/Adventure like. Also glad to hear your wrist is getting better, hope you make a full recovery.

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Has anyone found the pigs for the party on the Amazon Island? I got the special drink and the open space so far. 

Edit: Nevermind. Found out it was tied to a quest. 

I'm really thankful for the newly revised hints. I didn't know how to progress the "Best Friend" quest. It's been some A1 content so far.

That was delightful. 

Time to  lock in once again. 

What you have so far is great, can't wait for updates.

I also thought the SomeBS reference was pretty funny. 

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Loved the new Kazuko character and the scenes. Great update. 

Edit: And I almost forgot! My new favorite character is Cherry. She's great. 

Sad to hear, but it is what it is. Thanks for the answer.

Wait, really? Does that mean this remake and the other version are being independently worked on?

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Dang, I started playing and never knew the game got a Remake. My old saves don't even show up.  

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I haven't played in a bit. John's sidequest was hilarious; never thought I'd see a mutant wearing a horse costume get their weave snatched, and so suddenly too. 

Jeeze, it sucks that Rachel is my least favorite character but has my personal favorite superpower.  

Came here to the comments to say thank you for idiot-proofing the Research Lab area with healing opportunities. I thought I was fully prepped going in after buying some food, only to be left with 2 party members.  

Been a while since I played this, so I replayed it. I forgot how much personality is crammed into all the characters. So much that you can very quickly pick and choose your favorites.

-Spoilers for anyone reading this comment-

The Thoreau Psychology hypnosis extra credit scenes had me ascending.  

This is great fun, and the customization is fantastic. 

I enjoyed playing the demo, even though I'm too cowardly to play horror games. 

Finally got around to meeting Martha. Didn't know there'd be different interactions based on your path, pretty good detail.  

I feel dumb for not asking this before, even more so since I suggested something other than this a few weeks ago. Is there a way to implement a tracker for how many quests are in a given Chapter? Just so that players can't accidentally skip side quests.

Even though it's a demo, what's here already is really good. The character art, the varied environments,  lewd combat animations, it's all a fantastic start. 

The Villainess is reprehensible, but she does have good taste in music. And Chapter 5 had way more scenes than I expected!  

In some RPGMaker lewd games I've played, there would be instances where you'd walk past certain npcs and be catcalled, groped, or recognized from past public ventures. By "groping dialogues", I meant you'd get  accosted by a random pedestrian, but there was not artwork or a major lewd event tied to it. So it was basically just flavor text. 

I don't have many suggestions, but NPC reactions to player choices sound like a great idea. I don't know, maybe some NPCs recognizing the player after you've worked in the Tarkas Bar a certain amount of times? Groping dialogues based on how much you've "gotten around"? 

This project has had some crazy good progress since I've been following. 

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I...I despise Memphis.

Also, the Pineapple Pizza slander is crazy. 

It's coming full circle. Naomi has gained her most powerful ability yet: Shonen Protagonist Charisma. Also, the small sound enabled videos give me life. 

This game is damn good. Not enough 18+ games (that aren't Japanese) that have Battle Lewd scenes. Thanks for sharing this. 

Also, allowing us to just opt out of the hypnosis with the unequip- able control device is great, allows us to get to the good stuff and still be an optimal vigilante. 

Really enjoying my time with the game so far. It also soothes my delicate sensibilities  that so far a lot of the victims of Clara are cartoonishly evil. And whoever is writing this has got a sense of humor I can really get behind.

Also, the "Clara-vision" button was a great touch.  

Amber's opinions about Makima are very interesting and insightful. I'm definitely not a Makima hater, Amber is just very persuasive. 

The wait was worth it. Loved the new animated part!

Alright, I'll just retry the main quest later then. Thanks for answering!

The one time I saved was after I left the room, only noticing too late that Jay and Janet hadn't walked outside with me. I was hoping you had a way to fix it if this was a common issue. I do remember that I saved once or twice during the "food hunt" part. The only save I have before this glitch is before I did all the side quests for the other characters, a few hours worth of time.

In case this isn't fixable, are those side quests going to be important in any way later in the game?

I seem to have run into an issue. In the Hospital level, after the Ultrasound scene with jay, I'm able to leave the room but I'm still in the "looking for food" mode Neither Jay nor Janet follow me. Every door I try gives me the "Not gonna find any food here" message. And when I walk back in, Amber's character model flies out of frame, replays the Ultrasound scene, and leaves me unable to move.