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A member registered Aug 04, 2019

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I also feel like timing the rocket jumps is a little awkwar, maybe speeding the animation up a bit could help?

(1 edit)

Hey Steven! Im loving the demo and its visual style, but I think some slight changes could benefit it a lot. While the game looks a lot better than it did on the previous demo, I think some of the changes have impacted the game as a whole. 

Im not 100% sure that it's caused by this, but I think both the neon blurs being kinda strong and the walls being shiny/reflective are impacting the way I parkour. It feels like it messes with my depth perception while jumping, and when making big turns while close to the walls I pretty much lose track of my position. The strength of the neon effect is also making it unconfortable to play for slightly longer sessions, as my eyes start to sore after a little while.

 All in all, love all the new changes, keep up the good work!

This didnt work on the previous version, if it is of any help (On the previous demo you couldnt wallrun twice on the same wall. You could still do something simillar by jumping on both sides of a corner, but I actually really liked that)

I really really like the movement and I NEED aa full version. Keep up the good work!