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A member registered Mar 10, 2021

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mine is 3513

(2 edits)

my best is 3513 my strat is an enemy funnel and spammming with the axe (better that gun if you click fast enough) link: (can't put images here for some reason)

you can edit the max length in the browser console

(1 edit)

how do you increase the mass of stars? its stuck at 2.35e26g edit: it does increase with every star but its gonna take way too many stars for even the first milestone (the last increase was 0.13e26g and the milestone is 1e31g)

in the info tab

(1 edit)

i can't download this for some reason. it just pops up the thanks for downloading screen and nothing happens. I got so desparate i even tried miicrosoft edge but no results