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A member registered Jan 03, 2021

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Do what you feel is right, I will continue to check every week if there is an update still :)

Speaking of Serina I noticed that if you use shrine diva or her other support move (sorry, bad memory name) nana can't act on the first turn. I don't know if it's normal or not.

To be honest, Ultimate are kinda hard to get especially in boss fight since the metter restarts to 0 (that's a good idea btw), i think it's pretty ok if they are really strong (but that's just my opinion).

I might interupt but I think a good way to make ult better would to make them not use a turn. Meaning that even if they don't deal THAT much damage, it's always bonus damage no matter what.

No, the game just closed without any window. I reloaded the game and did the same thing three game. No crash. So it's probably RPG maker that crashed.

I didn't find anything new from the other person here while playing. I had one crash when entering the guild after doing the demon boss but I couldn't reproduce it so it's probably nothing serious. I'll post here if I find something new.

(1 edit)

Hello, I have been waiting for the update since the last demo dropped and i'm not disapointed, I really like that game and could pay for a full release. Hope all is well on your part.

If you look help or backup for testing, i'm a professionnal QA and I wouldn't mind helping a bit.

Wow, that's really amazing. Thanks a lot.