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A member registered Jul 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Fun portal inspired game, very cool. The picture of that guy looks familiar, I wonder who it is? Hmm...

This was really fun, the ppe rendering your faceless stalker into a couple of pixels on the horizon was so good. I like how the stamina a looking worked in tandem, constantly checking behind your back while running made the experience so much more. Great job!

Fun game, reminds me of gmod. I think the area reading for whether or not an object is in the truck or not is bugged, but otherwise it's fun. A novel twist on the jam theme.

A very fun and cute little game. Reminds me of doodle jump, has this very serene feeling to it.

I really like the game feel when you have a good flow going.

Big fan of this one, the grid based dodging made this really fun. Managing your resources and timing as well made this even better. #1 Uppies! fan

Cute game, shark good.

ohhh my god. nario <3

Drift mechanic 👍👍👍

Good and fun, although I had a bug with the cursor constantly moving to the right and that made more precise jumps harder than was probably intended.

Reverse superhot goes crazy, although the transition between timeslow and normal mode is a little brutal.

Seeing something in godot for the jam is pretty cool. The traps in the level are fun to get bounced around by.

The camera made me nauseous but otherwise it's fun. Grappling hook was goated. 

Big fan of dr guber, doing a character in this short of time must have been difficult. The griddy greatly added to the experience.

Fun short and sweet. Controlling two characters at once made for a unique experience.

Fun short and sweet. Controlling two characters at once made for a unique experience.

A fun and light arcade-y game. Although I did manage to clip out of bounds a couple of times. I like the mechanic of the music changing when you get down to 30 seconds remaining, it's a fun touch.

ah thanks! I would have thought the point bit was at the front of the board while riding, but I don't actually skate lol. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much :>

dude this game is so good

oh my god i hate this cat, awesome game <3 <3

my hands hurt, this was awesome 👍👍👍👍

hes just like me fr fr

aaa thanks a bunch! this was my first time doing pixel art like this before, and animating 2d things too to boot! im super glad to hear u enjoyed it :3

Nice particle effects and fluid movement. Although not very evil or villainous.

Short and sweet. Voice acting was swell.

Interesting idea, although I'm unsure of if any heroes every spawned.

The movement is nice, although it's hard to tell how this fits the theme.

Great use of theming and the art is all so wonderful, although the scaling for the text on most displays makes it a very difficult game to play as someone with fairly impaired vision. Maybe some options for text scaling would be nice for accessibility. Otherwise fun and has an excellent vibe.

Particles were sweet, and the general atmosphere was eerie. Finding yourself crawling on the ceiling was a fun scenery twist.

Cute and simple.

A fun twist and unique idea, I kinda wish this could be made into a full game lol. The premise is fun and ambitious, and the format lets it feel alive. The ending scenes perfectly capped it off as a full experience. Very nice!

The teleport for the player was super fun and the animations felt natural. Seeing a pile of ninjas from your actions definitely felt evil.

Fun idea, however the execution and requirements to wait without any other activities available for the player make this a fluctuating experience.

Fun game, although I'm unsure of how you're the villain in the scenario?

Despite the projectiles of towers not showing, everything else present was simply a delight! An overall charming and engaging experience. I could find myself coming back to this to experiment with different unit type combinations and seeing how far the game can go. Overall a massive success for this jam, has to be one of my favorites so far :3

A fun idea, although I'm unsure of what the objective is in the game.

Interesting way to incorporate visual novel aspects and gameplay together. Although I found the sourcing of the art being ai filtered images to be morally dubious.

Unfortunately you seemed to have turned in the wrong file, oops!

Playing as a meteor and destroying planets is such a fun idea, although the upgrades take a very long time to start ramping up off of one another. Otherwise fun and engaging!

Fun although bombastically explosive with the progression. Each organ is functionally identical, so I'm unsure of the intent or purpose of those gameplay mechanics. Otherwise fun! :)