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A member registered Oct 15, 2022

Recent community posts

Is it possible to mod the old version from a while back to have the mechanics from the newer version? Asking for a friend.

Go to the cabinet next to your bed in your home

(2 edits)

Is the game supposed to crash when you try to buy food subscriptions after beating the final boss? Or is it just me?

Edit: Friend asked what the full limit needed for the final boss is.

Second edit: Eating food on the couch and in booths doesn't fill me up, and trying to do anything foodwise with the fridge crashes the game

Oh yeah, I forgot about that

Not sure if this is helpful or not, but a friend and I came up with form of walkthrough with some helpful tips for when you're starting the game or if you need help finding things. This is the file: SFRPG - EXTENDED Helpful Tips - Google Docs