Firstly thank you for taking the time to play and thank you for the feedback! The fact anyone played it is mind bending to me. I will have a look into refining the planchette mechanic experience. I did anticipate this a little and incorporated the response into the dialogue in some cases.
The game was initially a lot darker in theme and had curse words for example but the play tests reported that;
- Swearing added nothing to the game and detracted from the characters due to their age.
- The story was initially too heavy and this made it hard to wrap up to a conclusion and somewhat was not enjoyable so a lighter approach was selected. However the theme of the game did not play test with younger people (14 -18) before being toned down.
I would be open to refining the story as it is very simple due to the story composer tooling I made which essentially generates the dialog boxes based on a film like script. This would also allow you an opportunity to play it again.