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A member registered Nov 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Great concept, tiger scared the crap out of me when I eventually found it!

Keep up the awesome work man 

Most things that I make or use have that look and few. My desktop right now has a full on windows 95 theme including the start up sound. I also got the original flying toasters screen saver running for giggles 😁

glad you like it! This is just the bare bones. I am hoping to really upgrade it over time 

Great to have you back brother! Unreal is really going to elevate your work :) 

Very cool, thanks for sharing! 

If you are on the EFPSE discord, drop me a line and I will organise a demo level with it woking for you 

That is very strange indeed! can you send me your project folder as a zip? Maybe I can figure it out 

Had some time so I belted out a quick video for you

(1 edit)

It is pretty simple when you figure it out. the shader replaces the FXAA shader so rename FXAA to FXAA Backup or something similar then the shader you want to use say the PSX one is renamed to FXAA. After that goto your game config file and make sure that post effects is set to 1 not 0 then they should work 
I will make a video for it some time this weekend

This was just straight-up awesome! well done man, epic testament to the the power of EFPSE! 

I know that feeling very well. Full-time job, full-time family. Just trying to squeeze in my passion to create! :D

That is amazing and greatly appreciate that you put the time and effort in to make these. My athletic is purely PSX era so your work is a perfect compliment to my love and style of game! 

Not only has your pack saved me time but it is so well made it puts my models to shame haha. Something to aspire to. I will continue to follow your work closely and may be in touch for some commission work in the future if you are interested! 

This like the audio bundle is so well made and put together. One project in particular is really going to pop now 

Exceptional quality, This is going to really help a number of my projects. Thank you for your insanely good work! 

Holy crap man! I am going to be cleaning my computer chair off for a week haha! 100% Amazing work!

Super soaker, Arcade, and that carpet! man that its all the nostalgic feels! haha love the mechanics of having to pump up the water though it did take me a while to realise that is what I had to do 

This is such a unique concept I love it! I would though disable view bob in a hover tank haha 

Definitely got that DOOM vibe from this haha great game! 

Awesome game, the weapon design is great! Not too hard and very fun to play 

Little bit of an acid trip! love the soundtrack and those death animations are perfect!

The level design on this is fantastic an the visuals are on point! for some one who sucks at FPS though it was a bit tough. maybe a checkpoint system would be good?

Loved this, reminded me of punch out on snes and the characters were top-notch! 

cheers! hope its useful :) 

Cheers! I am pretty happy with the results so far but would like to get better at rigging and animation 

Love the atmosphere, love the vibe, love the look, love it all! bad asss

Hey, thanks for the great video! I ran out of time for the game jam to give it a proper ending but needless to say. you cant win hehe in a future update I will give it a better ending and polish.

I did not realise slender scam had boobs sorry! 

cheers! Appreciate that 😁

Thank you sir :D

Thank you very much! it was a fun little game to make :) 

sorry I don’t have the links anymore but it was mostly on stack overflow and a lot of trial and error. Also had a friend of mine who is a programmer help me to get a grasp on it

They replace the FXAA shader. place the shaded you want to use in the shader folder. delete the FXAA shader and rename the shader you are using to FXAA. Then in your config.ini the game uses at start up make sure post effects is set to 1 not 0

love the way you have blended the scenery assets and textures, created a really good vibe. Would love to see this expanded on with a story. 

Glad it is working for you!

Appreciate it! :) 

Free, no need for credit but always appreciated :)

Nice work

It took a fair bit of learning that is for sure. The engine has it's bugs and limitations but a little outside the box thinking you can get around most things.