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pixemistic games

A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! Yours looks really good as well! I just have a bit more experience with making games like these it looks like.

Very fun! Love the style and the concept. Had a lot of fun with this!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much!

Thank you!! :D

Thank you so much! The window movement definitely needs more work I see that now. That should be fixed in a later version. :D

Thank you! :D

Thank you very much!!

Thank you so much!! I will admit the game does get very hectic very quickly. Even I don't know whats happening half the time but I think that makes half the fun of it! 76k is an awesome peak, congrats! And thank you for the feedback! :D

Thank you so much! Congrats on the 20k! I'll definitely try to keep updating the game for sure :)

Pretty fun highscore game!

Oh, there was a mistake while exporting, sorry about that.

You have to be in contact with the enemy to attack, sadly theres no animation for it because of a bug but it should work. You also dont need power to attack.

Oh yeah, i forgot to add that transforming and dashing needs power. Full power to transform, 1/5 power to dash

My first pygame :